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"JEEEN! GET YOUR ASS HERE, NOW!", I shout at my sister who's still in her bedroom.

Why is she so slow to get ready?

Well, why are girls in general so slow to get ready?

"One sec!" she shouts back.

I sigh as I lean on the wall near the door. Every morning the same thing: me waiting for her to get ready to drive her to school, and her taking a ridiculously big amount of time to get ready. I cannot handle this anymore.

"Jen!", I insist.

"I'm ready!", she yells back, annoyed.

I can see her walking wavy and quickly towards me while checking the inside of her bag.

"Why does it take so long for you to get ready?", I ask while opening the door and let her go out first.

"'Cause I'm a girl."

"Well, can't you be a quick girl?"

"I think quick girls just don't exist."

I think about it for a moment, while locking the door. She's right, actually.

"Yeah, I suppose you're right," I admit.

She smiles as she gets in the car.
I look at my watch: as usual, we are late.
Whatever, it's not my problem: I'm not the one who will get detention for the millionth time.

"May you please drive faster?", asks Jenny almost politely, while looking in the little mirror in front of her, checking her makeup, again.

"May you get ready more quickly?"

She looks at me intently for a moment, as if she were thinking.

"Okay, I see your point", she answers faking a serious face.

I smile and she chuckles.

"Whatever. I don't care", she says then.

"You should."

"It's just detention, it's not that bad."

"Well, it will influence your grades on the report and..." I start saying but I stop immediately: that sounded too much like an annoying parent. So I just add: "And it could be pretty boring, sometimes."

"Well it depends..."

"From what?"

"From who you are in detention with..." she smirks.

I know that expression. Her green eyes lighten up with a crafty glance. There's a guy, I am sure about it.

"Jen... What's on your mind?"

"Nothing..." she smiles again.

Yup, there's a guy.

"What's his name?"

"What?" she tries playing dumb.

"You heard me."

She starts playing awkwardly with her fingers.


"How old is he?", my voice has assumed a worried tone. I mean, she is my sister I obviously care about her and I don't want her to get hurt.

Plus, I have just her and she's got just me.

"Well, let's say that he doesn't attend my school."

"So he's from another school...? What does it have to do with his age?" I chuckle.

"Maybe because he doesn't go to school anymore..."

I frown, confused.

"You mean that he left or what?"

"He is the brother of a friend of mine and... uhm... He's uhm twenty-three years old."

My eyes grow wide as I stare at her for a moment. She is just almost seventeen.

"Jen, have you realised he's more than six years older than you? And even two years older than me?!", I say with a serious and surprised voice, trying to look at the road in front of me.


"But, wait a minute, how could you have met him in detention?"

Okay, it's official: this thing is getting weirder and weirder.

"I said he's the brother of a friend of mine. She always gets a detention with me because, as I said before, quick girls don't exist and he's come to school to pick her up from a week now and, guess what, I always get a ride from them", she says, with an innocent smile.

"Usually parents go pick their kids from detention, not brothers."

"Eh, whatever," she finally says checking her makeup again.

"Stop it, you're beautiful" I assure her.

I flash her a smile and she does the same. The rest of the travel is silent.

When we arrive she kisses me on the cheek and I return the kiss.

"Don't flirt too much with this guy..." I say trying to sound bossy, but it is impossible to be like that with my little sister; she's adorable. If he even thinks about her that way I think I will explode and start one of those fights that will be hard for him to forget.

"Adam," she says annoyed, remembering me his name.

"Whatever. I'm serious; you barely know him and he is older. I mean... pretty older."

"Well, yeah, he's also pretty handsome."

I sigh, closing my eyes, exhausted. What the heck is wrong with her? I can't believe there isn't a single guy she could fancy in her school.
She, of course, had to have a crush on a guy more than six years older than her! Obvious.

"Okay, fine. Just go. You're late, again."

"Yeah, I know..."

She smiles and makes that crafty face again. I roll my eyes as she gets out of the car.

"Goodbye", I say from the opened window.

"Bye, Xavier."

She never calls me my whole name, she usually uses a nickname because she knows I hate it. Well, she always has to find a way to annoy me.

I watch her entering the school building. Her long brown hair falling down her back, until her waist. Those leggings are too tight, let's say they expose her best feminine parts... She's really pretty today; too much. That guy will surely notice her and make some thoughts about her.


What a shitty name.

Sorry sisterWhere stories live. Discover now