St Andrew Stories - part 2; Overhaul

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N - Norna  G - Gough  LA - Lord Adamson  M - Matthew  F - Franz

After the succesfull opening of the St Andrew Railway, the railway was sky-rocketing with tourists flocking over to see the landscaping the railway was running by. Everything seemed perfect, but there was one problem. The roster. At the time, the railway only had no. 68457 'Matthew' and no. 65235 'Gough', with them both being not that powerfull engines. The roster also had an ex-NBR 'Scott' class no. 62435 called 'Norna'. She was at the time, the biggest engine the railway had, being stored away at Hawick for 5 years since 1957 until she was bought in 1963. Since the railway wasn't financially unstable at the time and couldn't pay for her to be overhauled, she was at St Andrew sheds, until one day, Lord Adamson came to Norna who was resting in the sun:

LA: Norna?

N: Yes, sir? What's the matter?

LA: I came here to tell you some news. 

N: Oh, and that is?

LA: Well, as you can see, I've tried everything. I've ran trains on the double, I've made fund-raisers, but I'm sorry to say, I don't have enough money for your overhaul.

N: Oh. I see.

LA: Which means, you'd either have to go back to Hawick in storage, I'd have to sell you to someone who has enough money to overhaul you or... *takes a deep breath* scrap.

Norna shuddered at the thought of being scrapped like her siblings, but has come to terms with it that she would be scrapped. She felt a wave of emtions, but gathered up the courage to reply.

N: Alright, sir. What most be done, must be done. 

LA: I'll leave you to be alone so you can process what have you heard.

N: Alright, sir. Goodbye!

Gough arrived just in-time to hear what would happen to Norna. Gough was shocked and the thought of losing a friend that you have known for almost 30 years was very saddening, indeed. Gough turned around and hauled his train back to Sedgehampton, where he met Matthew.

M: Gough? Gough?!

G: Ah, for crying out loud, what is it?!

M: Your face is as pale as snow. What's the matter?

G: First off, thank ye for the comparison. Second off all, when I arrived at St Andrew, I heard Lord Adamson talkin' to Norna. He was saying that he didn't had enough money to overhaul her, so instead, he would have to send her back to Hawick shed, sell her or... scrap. 

M: WHAT?! No, no, that can not be. Why would he do that?

G: I cannae tell ye, because I don't know it much myself. All I know is that we should start working harder and get more tourists. 

M: Or maybe to save us from complete wore out, maybe we can ask the Manager to buy another engine?

G: WHA- ?! Are ye out of your nut? What, do money grow on trees?!

M: Well technically, money is made of paper and paper is made of-


M: Anyways. why can't we just ask the Manager to buy a bigger engine.

G: Ugh, fine...

St Andrew station, the next morning.

M: Sir?

LA: Yes?

M: I was wondering...

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