St Andrew Stories - part 3; Assistance

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GP - Grand Parade  G - Gough  M - Matthew  LA - Lord Adamson  RE - Railway Enthusiasts MD - Matthew's driver  MF - Matthew's fireman

After Norna was taken to Densley Worth workshops to be overhauled, the Manager has bought an ex-LNER Gresley A3 Pacific to take Norna's place. Grand Parade, the name of the A3, ajusted to the railway greatly, gaining quite a following. He got along well with Matthew, but he had some trouble getting along with Gough, as both engines don't stand one another. They always fought with Matthew always seperating them. But, little did Grand Parade know that the old J36 would be his saviour. This is what happened...

Grand Parade backs down onto his train, while some railway enthusiasts took photograph of the Pacific and wrote down the information on its builder's plate.

RE 1: Wow, now this is a site to behold!

RE 2: Indeed, I'm so glad the manager of the heritage railway has bought this engine permamently.

RE 1: Wait, really?! Huh, then you bet I'll be a common vistor to this line!

RE 2: Indeed!

GP: You see, even the passengers like me! Unlike you rusted old kettle! 

G: And what does that supposed to mean, youngsters?

M: Gough, don't start, please.

GP: By the way, what's up with that weird name with yours? Is it Goug, is it Goh? Such a weird name! Why you couldn't have a simple name like Matthew over here?

G: Oh, big talk from an engine that is named "Grand Parade". To be honest, there's nothing grand about you and you're life is a parade, in a bad way.

GP: That's a horse's name, you ancient idiot.

G: Huh, I already like the horse more than you.

*the guard blows his whistle*

GP: You're lucky, you deluted old kettle, because this isn't over!

Grand Parade departs while Gough scoffs.

G: Aye, that's what I'm afraid of.

M: Look, do you really have to fight with him everytime you see him in your eyesight?

G: Yes.

M: Well- What?

G: I have this pressure that screams to me that I have to fight with him.

M: Why? That's one of the most ridicilous things I have ever heard to fight with someone.

G: Your life is ridicilous.

M: Shut up. Look, Gough, try and patch things with him. Please! If not for me, then do it for the railway. You don't want the passengers to arrive on a railway with negativity in the air.

G: Ugh, fine.

Later that night, Grand Parade came to the sheds and boasted how succesfully he took his train and how some passengers even coplimented him for his smooth ride, that's where Gough lost it.

G: Can ye just shut up!

GP: Why should I? I have my right to tell how my day went!

G: But nobody cares!

GP: Nobody cares for you, given your condition. Literally, if your the engine that hauled the first train for this railway, then why are you so dirty?!

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2022 ⏰

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