Being occupied on weekend, I couldn't complete this chapter then. Coincidentally, yesterday's precap for the upcoming episodes appears to be on similar lines of what I had sketched but here you go.
Additionally, few of the upcoming chapters would be in parallel with the earlier timeline and few events from the show.
"Hey, hi!" Ram waved his hand as he saw Priya entering the complex.
She stopped.
He locked his car and bolted towards her. "Hi, Good Morning," he greeted her.
"Good Morning," she said and began walking.
He walked beside her, "So even you have an early classes today, huh?"
"If this is an early class, then yaa. I have them everyday," she replied while he made serious face hearing this.
"Waha kaha? Lift is this way," he interrupted as Priya took the turn.
"No. I'm taking the stairs. It's good for health you see. Aap chahe toh jaa sakte hain," she said and went ahead.
He walked with her.
"Mr. Kapoor, you don't have to accompany me. Waise bhi aapka office kaafi upar hain," she stopped him.
"Nahi. You're absolutely right. It's healthy. I think hume gym aur lift band karke har jagah seediya hi lagni chahiye."
"Aap majak uda rahe hain mera?"
"Nahi, I'm serious."
Then jogging on the spot he said, "Subh subh cardio bhi hojayega. We should definitely take the stairs—" he surpassed her taking two steps at a time— "Hurry up!"
They reached the next floor when Ram asked, "Do you take stairs everyday?"
"Not everyday. But most of the days when I arrive early. It helps you to be physically fit. Else people even pay for this. Sheer waste of money." She slowed down hearing him puff already.
She continued, "Rich people are strange. First they'll pay heavily for all the luxuries, uncomplicated and effortless lifestyle. Then they'll pay again for health and fitness."
Ram made her stop. Catching his breath he said, "Why do you make everything about rich and poor?"
"I'm simply stating the facts. It's hardly my fault of you relate," she taunted.
"Okay. Wait. I don't know about others but as a businessman every second is important for me," he said as he wiped sweat from his face with his handkerchief.
"What do you mean? We take time granted, huh?" she cut in in disapproval.
"Madam, at least for once, please let me complete," he almost begged.
She rolled her eyes.
"Like I was saying, time is important. If I can save my time by spending more than why not? I would prefer saving time over money. And I don't think there's anything wrong."
He held the railing for support and trudged up the stairs, "And for your information, nowadays many people go to gym. It's not a rich-poor thing, how you make it. Akshay works in gym. Pucho kabhi usse."
Suddenly, he turned back and stood still blocking her way, "By the way, even you have a membership card Ms. Priya Sood," he stressed, "Don't you?"
Him stopping abruptly lead to a brief moment of proximity between them. They stood on two consecutive steps, looking at each other.
Awkwardly, he scratched his head and continued walking.

Sharing Life
FanfictionContrary to the original idea, Sharing life is about Ram and Priya in a different light where they do not marry each other for their siblings.