7. Midnight Wandering

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Raya enjoyed her first day of lessons, although she found it strange to wave around her wand, knowing that nothing would happen when she did.
None of her classmates seemed too concerned that she couldn't perform any magic. As most people just thought she was too nervous to do magic yet.
And since the teachers all knew that she was a Squib, none of them mentioned her failure to peform any spells.
Raya knew this ignorance wouldn't last forever, as eventually her classmates would figure out that she had no magic.
But for now, she was happy with them just believing that she was too anxious to successfully do spells.

At the end of the week, it was a full moon, meaning that it was time for Remus to become a werewolf.
Raya watched from the entrance hall, as Madam Pomfrey escourted Remus to the Whomping Willow, which would lead him through a tunnel into the Shrieking Shack.
She wished she could go with him, but she knew it wouldn't be safe for her to be around her brother, when he transformed.
Raya jumped out of her skin when James, Peter, and Sirius appeared out of nowhere at her side.
"Merlin's beard. A little warning next time, before you do something like that" said Raya, as she tried to get her breath back.
"Sorry" apologised Sirius.

"Where did you come from anyway?" Questioned Raya.
James smiled and showed her his cloak, "We were hiding under my dad's invisibility cloak, that's why you couldn't see us".
"That makes sense. I still can't believe your dad let's you have that at school" admitted Raya.
"It makes sneaking around the school a whole lot easier" replied James.
"I bet" mumbled Raya, as she turned her head to take one last look at Remus and Madam Pomfrey as they disappeared into the distance.

"I hate seeing him go" admitted Sirius.
"I know... Which is why we have to continue with our plan to help him, this year" reminded James.
Raya raised a suspicious eyebrow, "What plan?".
"We are going to learn how to become animagi" revealed James.
"Of course, it might take us years to figure out how to do it. But we plan on succeeding before we finish school" added Sirius.
"Animagi are people who can turn themselves into animals without a wand, right?" Questioned Raya.
"That's correct" answered Sirius.

"And how exactly does this help Remus?" Quizzed Raya.
"Well, werewolves are only a threat to humans. If we were animals, we could keep him company every month, so that he doesn't have to transform alone" informed Sirius.
"You realise how dangerous that is though? Even if you are in animal form, it will still be incredibly risky to hang around a werewolf every month" replied Raya.
"I know, but we are willing to take that risk, to help our friend".
Raya smiled at the lengths the boys were willing to go to, to help her brother.
She had been worried that maybe they really were bullies, as she had to watch them pick on Severus every single day.
But deep down she realised that they really were the nicest people she had ever met. As they were prepared to risk their own lives, to ensure that her brother didn't have to be by himself when he went through the painful werewolf transformation every month.

"Does Remus know of your intentions to become animagi and accompany him each month, when he's a werewolf?" Asked Raya.
"Yes, but he didn't think we'd actually be able to figure out how to become animagi before we finished school" admitted Sirius.
"And he's got a point. Becomming an animagus is like the hardest thing in the world" reminded Peter.
"I'm sure we'll be able to figure it out. There are plenty of books in the library here, that will tell us what we need to know. And we still have loads of years left at Hogwarts, to work it out" replied James.

"I don't suppose I can become an animagus with you guys?" Asked Raya hopefully.
"I'm afraid not. You have to be a witch or a wizard, as magic is required during the animagus process" answered Sirius.
"Oh, never mind then" mumbled Raya.
"We could always turn you into an animal, so that you could come with us. But we don't learn human transfiguration until like our 6th year, because there are disastrous consequences if you get it wrong. And if we transfigured you, and the spell wore off while you were with us and Remus in werewolf form, you would be in grave danger" informed James.
"In that case then, it's probably for the best that I don't come with you, if you do manage to succeed in becoming animagi. Remus would never forgive himself, if he hurt me again, while in his werewolf form" admitted Raya, as she subconsciously rubbed her chest, where her scars were.

"I guess we'd better head back to the common room" continued Raya.
"Why waste such a beautiful night?" Grinned James.
"What do you mean?" Questioned Raya.
"I think it's time we took you on your first late night excursion through the school"
"What if we get caught? Students aren't allowed to roam the halls at night, remember? Madam Pomfrey let me walk down here with her and Remus tonight, because I promised her I would go straight back to bed afterwards. What if Filch or a teacher catches us lurking in the corridor's unsupervised?"
"That's what the invisibility cloak is for, to keep us hidden. Don't worry, we've done this hundreds of times before, so we know what we are doing. And the Marauders never get caught".

"James is right. Besides, if you think the school is beautiful in the day, just wait until you see it with the moonlight streaming in through the windows" smiled Sirius.
"The school is so much nicer when there is no one else around" added Peter.
"I feel bad going without Remus" admitted Raya.
"Remus is used to it, since he transforms every single month. Besides, when we become animagi, we will have to leave you behind. So, if we go without him, we will be making up for all the times you can't come with us in the future" replied James.
"And it's the weekend tomorrow, so you don't have to worry about being tired during lessons, if we stay up all night tonight" reminded Peter.

Raya looked at all the boys smiles, and couldn't help but give in.
"Alright then, why don't you show me what this school has to offer, before Madam Pomfrey comes back this way after dropping Remus in the Shrieking Shack" said Raya.
James did a fistbump, "That's our girl".
"I knew we'd tempt you into our mischievous ways" grinned Sirius.
"Well, you are all very persuasive" admitted Raya.
"Alright everyone, under the cloak, it's time for another adventure" announced James.
The four of them huddled together, and then James threw the cloak around them.
Once they were sure that they couldn't be seen, they headed off into the castle, excited to see what new adventure the night would bring.

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