60. Fighting Spirit

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For the rest of the school year, Raya saw the Marauders every weekend, and stayed in the Potter Manor during the holidays.
Whenever she returned to her family home, she felt herself drifting further and further away from her father, who had turned to drink, in his wife's absence.
Even Remus was keeping away from the family home, preferring to sleep on Sirius or James's sofa.
He had started working in a local shop, stacking shelves, so that he could eventually afford his own place.
James offered to give him some money, but Remus refused to accept any hand outs from his friends.

During the summer, Raya noticed that the other Marauders were being sent on far more missions than her. And hers usually just involved eavesdropping on peoples conversations, not fighting death eaters.
The others assured her that it was just because she was still at school and they weren't. But Raya knew it was actually because she was a Squib.
Frustrated that she was being kept out of danger, because Dumbledore saw her as a liability, Raya turned to the strongest, and most skilled member of the Order for help; Alastair Moody.

After making contact with him, Raya headed to his house one afternoon, and made her way towards his large garden shed, as she had been instructed to do.
Inside the shed, Raya found numerous items used for catching dark wizards.
All kinds of weapons, Muggle and magical, covered the room. And there were several dummies and targets by the wall at the far end of the shed.
Raya was so focused on what she was seeing that she didn't hear the footsteps behind her, until a hand landed on her shoulder.
She quickly ducked down and twisted out of the strangers grip, before turning around to face her attacker.

"Hmm, maybe you aren't a hopeless case afterall" said the man.
"Moody" Raya sighed in relief, as she relaxed her guard.
"I am. But I could be an imposter. So, next time, make sure to ask me a question only I would know, before lowering your guard" warned Moody.
"No one knew I was meeting you today, not even my friends. So, I can't see how the death eaters would have learned I was coming to see you. Besides, your house is covered in dark wizard repellents, to stop anyone with evil intent, from stepping on your property. So, I think I'm pretty safe here".

"Rule number one, never assume the best, always assume the worst. Death eaters are sneaky, and like to catch you out. So, never assume that they don't know something, because they might be smarter than you think. Which is why it is always best to have a code word, when meeting up with a friend, particularly if you are alone. Even if you think you are in a safe location, you might not be, so always stay on your guard. As I always say, contant vigilance" informed Moody.
"That sounds a bit bleak and pessimistic, but alright. What should our code word be?" Asked Raya.
"You decide, as it needs to be something you will remember" answered Moody.

"Hmm, how about Lioness?" Suggested Raya
"Lioness? Why?" Questioned Moody.
"It's what my friends call me" replied Raya.
"What friends? How many people know this nickname?"
"Just James, Remus, Peter, and Lily. We all have secret nicknames for each other, but we don't use them in public, so no one else knows about them"
"Lioness will do then. I will say it whenever I enter this room, to let you know that it's me"
"How will you be able to tell that I am the real me and not an imposter?"
"Because I am good at my job, I am a skilled auror afterall. And like you said, it is almost impossible for a death eater to step onto my land, let alone enter this room".

"O.K. Now that's out of the way, what do you want me to call you? Moody or Alastair?" Asked Raya.
"What would you prefer to call me? I will be referring to you as Raya, since you and Remus share a last name, which would make things complicated if I called you Lupin" admitted Moody.
"How about I call you Moody, until we get better acquainted" replied Raya.
"That works for me... So, you asked to meet me alone, because you want me to train you, is that right?"
"Yes. I know I don't have magic, but there are other ways of fighting that don't require a wand. I once beat up a pure-blood Slytherin boy in my first year, using just my fists. I want to be of more use to the Order, which is why I want you to train me how to properly fight, so that I can be placed on more dangerous missions".

"You know, it's not often that someone asks for more dangerous assignments" informed Moody.
"Well, I am not everyone" admitted Raya.
"You are certainly different from any Squib I've ever met before. Most want a quiet life, but not you. Dumbledore says that you practically forced him to let you attend Hogwarts, when you were only 11" replied Moody.
"I didn't force him, I just sent him a strongly worded letter, and pled my case well"
"You're a fighter, I'll give you that. Is that why your friends call you the Lioness?"
"It's one of the reasons, yes. The other is that I am a proud Gryffindor, which uses a lion as its house mascot".

"That makes sense. Why did you ask me to train you though? Why not your friends, or Dumbledore?" Quizzed Moody.
"Even though it's the holidays, I'm sure Dumbledore is far too busy to train me. I also don't think he likes me very much, because he can't control me, as I am a bit of a loose cannon... I can't get my friends to train me, because they will never want to hurt me, even if we are just practicing" answered Raya.
"That still doesn't explain why you chose me, someone you barely know" replied Moody.
"You are the best auror the Ministry has to offer. And I know you have other means of fighting that don't involve magic. So, who else would be better to train me?".

"You make a good point... Alright then, for the rest of summer I will train you twice a week, in the afternoon, until you return to Hogwarts for your final year. I will then train you in the Christmas and Easter holidays. Hopefully by this time next year, you will be ready for more dangerous work on the Orders behalf. Does this work for you?" Quizzed Moody.
"Yes, that will be fine" answered Raya.
"I assume you want to start now?" Questioned Moody.
"Yes please"
"O.K. But there is only so much I can teach you in this room. I need you to build up your physical strength in your own time. You may be small, but I need you to be as strong as men twice your size"
"I'll do whatever it takes to become a good fighter".

"That's what I like to hear. Although, I'm pretty sure that you are already a fighter, I can see it in your eyes. Someone like you wouldn't have gotten to where they are now without fighting every step of the way. The world put up obstacles in front of you, by making you a girl, and a Squib. But you didn't let it hold you back. That fighting spirit is what you need to keep you alive. Without it, this cruel world will chew you up and spit you out like garbage. Even with all the knowledge I am about to give you, it wouldn't be enough to save your life. You have to be a fighter, and you have to be prepared to do the hard thing, as there is no easy way around becoming a warrior. You must be prepared to risk it all, and sacrifice everything... So, are you ready?" Questioned Moody, as he picked up a training dagger from a nearby table, and offered it to Raya.

Raya took a deep breath before taking the dagger, and nodding her head.
"I am ready" she announced.
"Good. Now, let's get started. For there is a lot I need to teach you, before you are ready to go head to head, with a death eater" replied Moody.
"Well then, bring it on" encouraged Raya.
"Whatever you say, Lioness".

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