75. Traitors Trap

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Raya and Sirius didn't stop all night, no matter how tired they got.
They also continued searching the following day, only stopping occasionally so that Raya could go to the loo.
Travelling via apparition at the end of your pregnancy was always advised against, but Raya didn't care about the risks. She had to help Sirius track down Peter, and she wasn't going to let her baby hold her back.
Thoughts of James and Lily wove in and out of her head as she travelled, but she tried her best to focus on the task at hand, and not their deaths. She couldn't afford to have a break down and start crying, as she had a job to do.

It took her and Sirius all day, but eventually that afternoon, they found Peter.
Despite him walking down a busy street, surrounded by Muggles, Raya and Sirius advanced on him, not caring who saw them.
"S-Sirius... R-Raya" stuttered Peter when he saw them approaching.
Sirius punched Peter in the face, before removing his wand and pointing it at the traitor.
"You coward!" Screamed Sirius, causing several Muggles to look their way.
"I don't know what you mean" trembled Peter.
"You betrayed our friends. How could you do such a thing?" Demanded Raya.
"I didn't" whispered Peter.
"You were the secret keeper. Only you could have betrayed James and Lily" hissed Raya.

Peter looked nervously around him, and tried backing up, as Raya and Sirius began getting closer to him.
"Please don't kill me" begged Peter.
"There are far worse things we can do to you, that don't involve killing you" replied Raya.
"She's right. When I'm finished with you, you will be begging for death. And that's when we will hand you over to the Dementors" added Sirius.
"No, please. I don't want to go to Azkaban" trembled Peter.
"You should've thought about that before you betrayed our friends" spat Raya.
"I-I..." Peter faltered, unsure of what to say.

"Sirius, how could you betray James and Lily!" Peter suddenly shouted.
"What do you mean?" Frowned Sirius.
Peter quickly removed his wand and held it behind his back.
Sirius realised what Peter was about to do, and threw his arms protectively around Raya.
Suddenly there was a loud explosion and the ground below their feet gave way.
When Raya opened her eyes she saw Peter sever one of his fingers, before turning into Wormtail, and scurrying away down an open sewer.
As she looked around she saw around 20 bodies in the pit with them, some were moving, but others were not.

"Are you alright?" Sirius asked Raya, as he removed his arms from around her.
Raya nodded, "I'm fine, but Peter's disappeared".
"Don't worry, we'll find him" reassured Sirius.
"I don't think it will be that easy. He transformed into his animagus form, before running off into the sewer. There are thousands of rats in the city, so we'll never be able to find him. He'll never risk turning back into a human, not with us searching for him. And he cut off one of his fingers, making it look like you destroyed him completely, leaving no body behind. I bet he's going to try and blame this all on you".

Suddenly Sirius started hysterically laughing, as he realised what had happened.
A combination of lack of sleep and lack of food and drink had caused him to act out of character.
The people around them, were looking at him as if he were quite deranged.
"What's wrong with you?" Questioned Raya.
"Don't you see what he's done. He's faked his own death. No one else knows he's an animagus, so everyone is going to assume that he's dead. He's going to get away with betraying everyone. No one knows that we switched the secret keeper, so I am going to get blamed for his crimes" informed Sirius.
Despite all the serious things going on, he continued to laugh.
Raya chose to ignore his strange behaviour, as she too was feeling a surge of different emotions that she didn't know how to deal with.

"Come on, we need to get out of this hole" announced Raya.
She then began climbing up the sides of the collapsed street, onto stable ground.
But once she stood to her feet, two firm hands grabbed hold of her.
"Hey! Let go of me!" Instructed Raya.
"Hold still, Miss" said one of the men holding her.
Raya looked closer at the men and saw that they were wearing Ministry of Magic uniforms.
She turned her head and saw a dozen more Ministry officials run towards Sirius, all of them pointing their wands at his chest.
"Sirius!" Raya called out.
"Let her go! Let my wife go!" Screamed Sirius, as the Ministry employees dived on him, and dragged him out of the hole.

A second later the men holding Raya, apparated, taking her with them.
When she opened her eyes she found herself in the atrium, inside the Ministry of Magic.
She had never been inside there before, and she found the place rather intimidating.
No one spoke to her, as she was dragged through the building and thrown into a prison cell, on the lowest level of the Ministry.
She knew these cells were used to hold criminals before they had their trials and were moved to Azkaban.
But what she was doing in one, she had no idea.
However, what scared her more than her own fate, was that she didn't know where Sirius was.

Raya's cell was basic, containing only a bed, and a toliet.
Even though she didn't want to humilate herself, by using the loo, in case anyone was watching her cell. She had no choice but to releave herself, as her baby was pushing on her bladder.
Despite how tired she was feeling though, Raya avoided lying down on the bed, as she couldn't risk falling asleep, unsure of what would happen to her while she was unconscious.
So, all she could do was sit and wait, and listen to her stomach growl, as the hours dragged by.

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