68. Debt To Be Paid

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Raya and Sirius spent the rest of Christmas with the Marauders, before going on their honeymoon in January.
They spent several weeks travelling around Europe, before returning to their responsibilities back in Britain.
Now that Raya had completed her training with Moody, Dumbledore felt that she was ready for more dangerous assignments.
The boys weren't happy with this, but Raya was more than willing to show that she was just as capable as the rest of the Order.
At first, she didn't like hurting her opponents, as there is a big difference between throwing knives at targets on the wall, and hitting real people.
But as the months went on, Raya got tougher, and stopped holding back.

Since Raya couldn't rely on a wand to save her, she had other tricks up her sleeve to keep her safe.
She had an enchanted red coat, which repelled most spells, except for Unforgivable Curses, until the enchantment wore off. And her knives were also enchanted, so that they would return to her hand, when she wore the golden ring that they were connected to. Her knives could also be used to deflect most minor spells, if she was quick enough to block them.

One evening, Raya was running through an abandoned building, that the death eaters had been using as a safe house, to hold their meetings in.
She hadn't gone alone, as Peter and a few other Order members had gone with her.
But she had lost sight of them a while back, meaning that she was on her own with no way out, as she couldn't apparate, due to her lack of magic.
Raya had 2 death eaters on her tail, so she couldn't stop to catch her breath, she had to keep running through the maze of corridors.

As she turned a corner, she threw one of her knives over her shoulder, hoping to hit one of her enemies.
She couldn't stop to see if she had hit her target, but she heard the sound of a man drop to the floor, signalling that she had been successful.
Raya then flicked the wrist of the hand of the finger she had the golden ring on, and a moment later, her knife flew back into her hand.

When Raya reached the next corridor, she swore, as she realised how long it was.
The more twists and turns there were, the harder it was for the death eaters to hit her with their spells. But if the path was straight, it lowered her chances of survival.
"You can't run forever!" Shouted an angry voice from behind her.
A second later she felt a spell hit her coat. She could feel something hit her, but the spell didn't work, as the coat repelled it.
Raya heard another spell flying through the air towards her head, so she ducked, allowing the spell to hit the far wall instead of her.

Realising that Raya's coat was keeping her alive, the death eater sent his next spell at her legs, which were unprotected.
Raya was thrown across the corridor, when the spell hit her, and she banged her head on the hard stone floor.
Her vision went blurry, and the room around her began to spin.
She flipped herself over in time to see the death eater advancing on her.
Raya waited until her enemy was closer, before throwing the knife straight at their chest.

Raya watched as the death eater dropped to the ground, in a pool of their own blood.
After retrieving her knife, she began crawling to the nearest door, as she felt too weak and woozy to stand up.
She managed to push open the large wooden door, and army crawl inside the next room, before slamming the door shut with her foot.
As blood fell in front of her eyes, she began to feel nauseous.
She was also starting to lose consciousness, and a few moments later, she passed out on the floor.


Severus Snape flicked his wand, causing the door in front of him to swing open.
He then strode into the next room, where he saw Raya lying on the floor, not moving.
After dropping down to her side, Severus began to assess her injuries.
The only wound he could see was the deep cut on her forehead. He just prayed that she wasn't bleeding in her brain, and that she didn't have a cracked skull, as those things were hard to fix.
He picked up her wrist and found that her pulse was weak and her skin was too cold for his liking, but he knew that she was a survivor, so would fight until her last breath.

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