Chapter Three: Caught

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A/n: this may be a bit short but I'm almost done with school so more chapters will be coming out until the next chapter which I hope will be soon. Hope you enjoy <3


"Come on where is that noise coming from?" I whisper in a low tone as the noise just suddenly stopped. I was just about to think on heading back when I heard it again. "It's coming from the hallway where the offices are at." I mumble to myself as I walk over to the dark hallway quietly.

I walk into the hallway expecting to see the lights in Williams office on but they weren't they were off like he was never there. What the actual fuck is going on here. I keep walking and see the supply closet I don't hear the whimpers anymore.

I then see the backroom.

The backroom was an area I wouldn't say I wasn't allowed in but most of the employees wouldn't be needed in there besides William and Henry. It had all the extra animatronics parts to fix the mascots. I can see there was a dim light in there. I then walk up to the door and press my ear up against it.

I hear heavy breathing and something dripping. Loud dripping noises like something was spilt. I then take my ear off the door and grab the handle with my shaky hand. I then turn the dull gold color door nob and open it.

I see shelves with what I read to the exoskeletons of the animatronics there very creepy looking if I do say so myself. But no sign of the noises I was hearing. I though William be in here but no sign of him. Maybe he left there is another door out of this room. I look around to see if I can find whatever made the noises. I look around more I then spot a black bag.

I would have not pairs much attention to it if there weren't tiny red stains following it and how stuffed that bag looked. I then creep over to it and bend down to look at the stains. As a murder I think I should be able to tell what type of stains these are. I then run the tip of my finger with it. As I observe it more I realize my thought was correct.

This is blood.

But who's blood? Why is it here? And the important who killed the persons inside the bag?

I then hear footsteps coming towards the room from the other door. Wait William is it him? Did he do this? I then quickly but quietly try and find a pace to hide or at least try to get out of here. I run into a small closet area that held costumes I don't know what for but I just need to hide.

I then cover myself so whoever it was wouldn't see me. I but creep out a bit to see whoever it was. I see the door open and watch for who's walking through. I see and it is William. He walks in with splatters of something red on his face. His face expressionless but seems to get aggravated as he looks at the black bag. "Damn it" I hear him mutter. He rolls up his sleeves but he then hesitated to grab the bag. There's no way he noticed the one blood stain I touched.

He then looks in my direction but not directly at me. There's no way....

"You can come out Miss L/n~"

𝙃𝙞𝙨 𝙁𝙖𝙫𝙤𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙈𝙪𝙧𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙧|| William Afton x readerWhere stories live. Discover now