5. Protective SBI

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The Watson Craft family household was very protective of their children, and the children protective of their parents. This has been shown through multiple occasionals, like when Tommy broke his arm and he wasn't allowed to leave the house until the Healing potion fixed it completely. Another time was when Wilbur had fallen ill, he wasn't able to leave home for almost 2 months just to make sure he wouldn't get sick even more. He still snuck out though, cause no teenager likes to be cooped up, children even less so. Or when Techno fell from a height of 30 feet off his broom, everyone in their family had gone protective because that was the oldest child, the one the younger siblings looked to for guidance if they couldn't go to their parents.

TThat and Tommy and Wilbur are soft hearted little shits who couldn't bare the thought of losing their big brother, despite Wilbur only being 2 hours younger than him.

So it was no surprise that the family had been worried about Tommy going to Hogwarts a year earlier than he was meant to, making him 10 when he started.

"Tommy, are you sure you want to start this year? The Headmaster gave the okay for you to start next year so you'll be 11 like all the other first years." Phil had asked, worried for his youngest son. Tommy sighed and looked at his father with the most 'done with this shit' expression he could muster.

"Dad, I'll be fine. It's one year early. What could possibly go wrong?" Tommy asked, grabbing his shrunken trunk that his oldest brother had decided to shrink for him. He had his Owl in a cage beside him, luckily not shrunken, and was facing his father who would be arriving at a different time since the Ministry had asked for his help making a large scale potion. His Mother, Lady Kristin of the Watson Craft household, was looking at him worriedly from the doorway leading to the 'dark and dangerous outside world'.

"But what-" He got cut off by his middle child who had walked downstairs and scooped the smaller than average child into his arms. Managing to grab the cage as well, Wilbur walked out of the house and to the Ministry-provided car that would take them to the train station and then their father to the ministry itself.

"Enough smothering the child, we're gonna be late to the Station!" Wilbur called back, hearing their mother's laughter as Techno barreled down the stairs after the two other children, borderline teens, and hopped into the car.

The brothers had made a pact the day before to protect their littlest sibling like their life depended on it, so making sure he got to Hogwarts was the first step. Fuck their parents worrying about him, he had his older brothers!

Tommy had smiled and thanked his older brother, gifting him with one of his best hugs that everyone in their family would die for, and getting into the car after the oldest.

But now? Now all Tommy wanted to do was go back in time and tell his father he didn't want to go to Hogwarts a year early. He didn't want to, because everyone was mean to him and about him. Telling him he must have changed his age or something to get his letter early. No, he was just the son of the Potions Teacher, that was it.

But no one believed him.

No one but two others, that is.

Ranboo, a fellow First year Hufflepuff, and Tubbo, a First year Slytherin, had become his friend and refused to let him get bullied on their watch. They made sure that he couldn't hear the words the older Hufflepuffs said, or the First year Slytherins wrote in class. They blocked out the crude words of the Ravenclaws of his brother's year, and they distracted him from the obvious Gryffindors.

But they couldn't protect him from everything, and that is where we start this story.

"Tommy? What's wrong? Are you okay?" Tubbo asked, worry in his voice as he faced the younger Hufflepuff in concern.

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