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I woke up and looked around my bland room. We had moved pretty often so I didn't bother to decorate it but we seemed to stay her pretty long all thing considered.

To bad I hadn't made any friends since I hadn't really bothered with it. But enough of the pity party. I got up and stretched my back and walked over to the bathroom. Lazily brushed my teeth and brushed my hair.

I stared at my appearance in the mirror trying to see if I could piece together what my father looked like. I had short fluffy black hair and light blue eyes almost a sort of white.

I had tan skin like my mother but that was the only similarity . She had curly brown hair and tan skin with dark brown eyes. I hadn't inherited her height being 6 foot at 13 years old but I think I've stopped growing......probably. I went back to my room and put on my stuffy uniform.

I hated it but it was the only school that accepted me. We moved pretty often but that was partly my fault........okay mostly my fault. But in my defense the classes were super boring. I snapped out of my thoughts and got some food.

I sat down at my desk with my granola bar and stared at the letter my mom had given me awhile back. I could not read said paper since the letters were dancing around the page. My mother had always tried to pretend that I was normal like every one else. She was also very secretive especially about my father but oh well nothing I can really do about it.

I walked to school and headed to my first period class English my worst enemy but it will end pretty early because of the field trip.

Now here I am in a bus filled to the brim with 28 mental kids and two teachers. But one was mr. Brunner our Latin teacher he's cool he would tell stories and joke around. He also lets the kids play games during class but I usually just sleep through them.

Anyway we're going for this fancy museum for art and stuff to look at Greek and Roman things. Mr brunner have to tour of the museum he tour in his wheelchair guiding use through everything. It was actually pretty cool 8/10 would do again.

We came up to this grave marker for a girl who was about are age. I tried to listen but the idiots around me kept talking and when ever uh.......... Darcy Um it was something that ended with a y.

Anyway he couldn't do anything cause mrs. dodds kept staring him down. Mrs dodds is the math teacher and cape in halfway through cause the last teacher uh had a breakdown or something. I hadn't really been paying attention. She was really mean looking and acted the part to.

I had been zoning out until I heard the word lunchtime. Darcy got held back and his friend um Dover? Rover? I really should of learnt some of there names but oh well to late to ask now. I kept on going and sat on the steps of the museum steps to eat my food.

Darcy had joined rover on the fountain. I had a mild interesting Darcy mostly cuz we both had dyslexia and adhd but I hadn't really talked to him ever. I wasn't really planning on talking to him either there's no reason to.

Red hair then came up and dumped some food on dover. I mean I don't now them very well or at all really but still kinda rude. Water then came out of the fountain and shoved red hair down and red hair screeched the Percy pushed her. Oh so that his name.

Mrs. Dodds cape up to the scene. Wait it then hit me that water doesn't normally do that had I not gotten enough sleep last night. I shrugged it off maybe I was just tired.

Mrs dodds said something to Percy red hair butting in. Then after what felt like a second Mrs dodds was in front of the museum door. I blinked confused mother never wanted to talk with me about it but I think this has something to do with my adhd.

Percy followed behind and I departed wether or not I should follow and explain what actually happened. I decided why not I'd probably move soon anyway so no harm done.

I quietly fallowed behind and no one seemed to notice since I don't have much of a presence. I had been following them around the museum until they got to this Greek statue. Mrs. Dodds started to make a sort of growling Noise and looked like she wanted to kill Percy. 

They started talking and I couldn't hear what about I was about to walk up and explain the situation but then thunder shook the building and Mrs. dodds started transforming into a monster.  Mr. Brunner wheeled in and threw a .... Pen at Percy.

The monster lunged foward and Percy narrowly dodged catching the pen witch transformed into a bronze sword which I swear I had seen before.

Percy swung at the monster teacher thing and it exploded into yellow powder and vaporized right then and there. The mr Brunner disappeared and I just said the first thing that came to mind "am I sleeping"

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