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I had been driving for five minutes driving was hard. I kept hitting the wrong thing and would stop suddenly but I got the hang of it. The monster seemed to have disappeared but I can't go back home. If a kindly broke in once another will break in.

I kept driving calming down a bit until I saw a police officer. I acted naturally and sighed a breath of relief when they didn't notice me. I had been driving for a little bit and had to abandon the car since it lost gas I was almost at king island I feel like going to an island would get me away for a bit right.

I had brought some money with me and got on the soonest ferry which only took ten minutes. Those were the most anxious ten minutes of my life. I kept looking over my shoulder and looking at people trying to decide if there actually humans.

I had finally got on a ferry but kept my guard up and after what felt like forever we arrived and I was in one price which was good. Now what?

I kinda panicked and went to the island cuz it was the farthest I could get. I just wandered the island making sure I was alone or that any people near me are definitely human.

It had been pouring for a while and I just wished I was home I had loved to sleep when it rained it was always so cozy. Then I saw a flash of light near me. Lightning just struck. What!!! How does that happen that's like a one in bazillion chance.

Well lightning never struck in the same place right. I ran towards it to see if anyone got hurt and thankfully I did. There was a car with Percy, and Grover and I think someone else. I ran foward and then I noticed a huge whatever the hell that thing is.

Running even faster a saw the door opening I got closer and whisper yelled "percy" he jumped and then noticed me. He told me to help with Grover and it was then I realized he was passed out.

He kept trying to convince his mom to go somewhere and she kept saying she can't cross the boundary line. I had no idea what they meant but knew that creature was bad new so I kept trying to get my grip on Grover but I was the reincarnation of a spaghetti noodle.

I finally managed to haul him on my back with a bit of help from Percy. He ended up convincing his mom and they helped me carry Grover we were walking through the waist tall grass and I saw the monster it's the mino- but I was cut off by Percy's mom.

"Pasiphaes son don't say his name. Names have power." I headed her advice cuz I am not taking my chances Grover then spoke up "food" I shushed him and Percy's mom explained the mi- pasphaes son and his weaknesses.

Then the monster picked up the car a fucking car.  We had to separate and Percy's mom took Grover. We had thought he would go for Percy or on the off chance me since monsters seem to attack us.

We were right it went for Percy and I was nervous when he got close and I wasn't the one who was close to it I don't know how Percy stood his ground till the last moment but he did. Now the real surprise came. The monster didn't go for me or Percy but Percy's mom.

I cursed under my breathe I don't usually curse but this situation seemed like a reasonable reason. She tried to go back to the road leading it away from Grover and do the sidestep technique but the monster grabbed her neck and she dissolved into shimmering gold then a blinding flash and she was simply.....gone. Percy screamed "NO!" With so much pain in his voice. I hadn't known her well but she didn't deserve that.

This whole predicament had just gotten a whole lot realer I had kept myself sane by subconsciously pretending that everything would be fine but I had just saw someone dissolve into nothing.

I stood frozen in shock and fear unsure of what to do now. The beast then went to Grover sniffing him as if he would make Grover suffer the same fate. Percy then had an idea he lifted his red jacket in the air and taunted the beast "what are you doing Percy!" I yelled. "What does it look like saving Grover" he retorted.

I had no response so I hoped it would all work out. The bill man changed direction to Percy and charged then Percy did a move straight out an action move and ended up with his arms around the bill man's horns and on his shoulders.

I snapped out of my shock when Grover said food again directing everyone's attention to him I ran forward and managed to reach him before the bill man charged what to after I have no idea I should work on my plan making skills.

I braced for impact shielding Grover as best as i could but then I looked up when I heard a clear *snap* I saw Percy on the floor with a horn in his hand he then stabbed the Minotaur with said horn.

The Minotaur burst into sand the same way Mrs. Donna did. Percy wobbly stood up and made his way towards us he tried to carry Grover with me but I pushed it away I mean he's literally about to collapse for good reason to. 

When we finally got to the porch we had all just fallen on the floor and saw two people my vision was blurry and sleep was overtaking me but I think I saw blonde.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2022 ⏰

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