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Percy looked shocked and swung around staring at the source of the noise which was me. He stared me down until he said in the same confused tone "right like the hell was that." "I'm just as confused as you are." I said.

We decided to just head back outside but then things got more confusing cus everyone was saying there's never been a Mrs dodds including mr Bruner.

Then we met a teacher we've never seen before who had apparently been are pre-algebra teacher since Christmas. Me and Percy didn't talk much after the incident only on occasion to make sure we hadn't imagined everything.

The weather was also going crazy and the Mrs Dodd monster was haunting my dreams and dreams are the only piece I get so I was pissed. My grads were never very good to begin with but with the loss of sleep I was averaging d's and f's in every class.

When I had gotten a talking to with one of my teachers though it was official I had flunked out of Yancy academy and would not be returning.

Exam week was growing closer and I had tried to study but with my lack of sleep and the letter moving around the page like it was a rave I got frustrated and stomped over to my bed laying face first. When my door opened is shot up I was afraid of what was in my room until I realized it was just Percy.

Sighing I asked what was up he paused "is your roommate here" he asked closing the door. "No she had snuck out" I said bluntly. He sighed and sat down on the desk chair. He started with "it was real it was all real I had over heard
Grover and mr Bruner and they were talking about me dying and hoping I would make it to next fall they also said something about misting the students I think that's what made them all forget."

I was taken aback by all this new information until it hit me. "Wait dying percy? How-why?" I don't know he said.

Let's go get some sleep and we'll meet up again and figure things out I think sleep will do us some good.

Yeah he agreed and said goodnight and walked out I got up turned of the lights and laid back down with a sigh. I drifted of into sleep and was blessed with nice dreams I was able to sleep through the whole night.

my soul had left my body a number of times during those exams and I had never gotten the chance to talk tings through enough. 

We talked on passing about kindly ones and that was about it. I had found him finally ran and tapped his shoulder. He turned around and looked up at me.

I gave my phone to him and told him to put his number in so we could talk over the weekend. He agreed and put it in but when we got on the same bus I realized there was no reason to rush.

I had sat in the seat behind him and sort of eavesdropped on the conversation with him and Grover and it was not going well but it wasn't my place so I let it be.

We ended up breaking down and I had been worried if I should start conversation and how to my lack of social skills was really taking its toll. But suddenly the bus worked again and everyone got back on. Percy looked sick though and Grover was shivering.

I wondered what I had missed cause they weren't like this before. What I had gathered was old lady's yarn and how "they" never make it past 6th grade. So super nice.

We had finally mad it to our stop since we all got off. Percy had left behind Grover and I know they agreed for Grover to walk Percy home he kinda just got into a taxi and was off. I just shrugged and I walked home.

I walked into my apartment met with the smell of cold you now that smell it's not really anything just smells cold. I called for my mom but knew she was probably at work and I was right. I was used to this by now I don't even now why I keep checking. She always covered herself in work to forget I exist there's even been occasions we're she forgot who I was. I got an apple and went to my room.

Percy had texted me about a trip and I was exited for him. I told him to have fun and to text me if anything happened. I had forgotten about.

It had been a few days I hadn't seen my mother but I knew she was coming home every night she probably just left early morning. Just then I hadn't gotten a text from Percy for awhile and hopped he was just having fun and had forgotten.

Just then a loud crash came drone my room looking in I saw a monster in my room. Nope nope nope repeated in my head as I ran to the kitchen and thanked my mother internally when I realized her keys were there sometimes she doesn't take her car when she bows she would be working later than usual so she could call a cab instead.

I opened the door and hastily ran down the stair the creature must've realized I was gone since I had heard metal crushing and an inhuman growl a few sets of stairs up. I sprinted like my life depended on it down those stairs and to the car cuz it did. I didn't now how to drive but it couldn't be that hard right. I started the car and saw that it had half gas that would get me decently far right.

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