Chapter 1 - Part 1

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(A/N: okay this is my first time making an AU or making a story like this so i hope you guys enjoy!)


It was like any other day for the objects in their life, people playing games, talking to others, hanging out, stuff like that. It was always like this in a way. Never really changed. Even if the hosts were gone and all the shows were done till they could come up with something new to do, there was nothing to do.

Pencil would never say this out loud but, if she could go back to being forced to do things by the hosts, she would.

Pencils room was silent in the hotel. She sat on the bench next to the window looking down on everyone. She had to admit it, looking down on the others felt nice. As if she was the one in charge.

The door creaked open as a familiar voice sounded themselves and they walked up to Pencil

"Hey pence pence!" Match said.

"What are you doing here like, all alone? Don't you want to hang out with like, the others?"

Pencil looked over at her friend and back down to the others. They were laughing with one another, playing with one another, having... fun.

"Don't you ever miss the old times' Match?"

"What do you mean?"

"The old times, when the contests went on, when we were in a team, heck even stuck in the E.X.I.T!"


"Don't you ever miss it? We had something to do, a reason to be here, and now... we don't."


"That's like, deep." Match said looking over at her friend

Pencil looked over at Match as they stared at each other, like looking into the other person's soul.

"You, like, should be a therapist.." Match said, her eyes glittering from what she heard.

Pencil laughed. Match always told her stuff like this to the point it almost became a joke with them.

"At least you haven't changed." Pencil said jokingly to Match as she punched her friend in the arm.

Match held her arm where Pencil playful punched it as they both laughed.

"Yeah I'll come down with you to where the others are." Pencil said, shrugging as she got up from the bench.


As the big double doors of the hotel they stayed in (well it was more just what two created with the bathrooms) a burst of air hit them as they smelt it. It mixed with many different flavors, some from other contestants, others from food, and others just from the air. It wasn't the worst thing to smell but once you smelt it a lot, it got normal. Like how the smell of gasoline can get normal to you if it's always in the air.

Match waved over to a group of people she was hanging out with before she came to speak to Pencil.

Ruby noticed her out of the corner of her eye and waved back. Flower sat next to her along with Leafy, Firey, Teardrop, Coiny, and Pin.

(A/N: also this will be after TPOT ended so yeah there all together and i'll make a list of who's in this AU in the next chapter probably)

The other two walked over to sit next to them. The grass was damp from the rain last night and felt nice to sit on. Pencil looked over to see Match smiled at her. Pencil smiled back.

"So what did I, like, miss?" Match asked the others as she looked at the group of friends they were with.

Pencil never really thought of a lot of them as friends. More or less people she talked to, or people she tolerated.

Most people she hung out with were due to Match and how she loved to talk to other people.

Pencil could care less.


After about what felt like forever, The others had left and it was just Pencil and Match.

"So..." Pencil started "wanna go hang out in my room?"

Match shrugged "sure there's, like, nothing else to do ya know pence pence."

Pencil smiled at the nickname that Match had given her, it made her feel warm in a way that only Match could.

(A/N: not a ship! Sorry! I don't add ships in this AU as of right now! Might talk about this latter if enough people wanna know. After note: it would have been better if i put this somewhere else in the story but eh to late)

As the two walked to the door they were interrupted by, who would guess, Bubble.

"Oh hoi gours!" Bubble said as she looked at the two.

Pencil rolled her eyes as Match tried to politely tell her that they were busy, but as always, Bubble didn't listen, not surprising to both the girls.

"Hey." Pencil said in a harsh tone after listening to Bubble talk about useless stuff for almost 10 minutes, "she said we gotta go. Got it?" Pencil said, trying to act polite but get across as harsh, gripping onto Match's arm.

"O-oh..." Bubble said looking down as if disappointed or upset. Pencil didn't care.

Pencil let go of Matches arm a little seeing nail marks on her arm as she smiled. "Thank you!~" Pencil said, dragging Match into the building with her, leaving a sad bubble behind.

(A/N: Also no they are not human in this AU. so just like their normal black arm with ball hands but like you can see marks on them? No idea just try to make sense of this and sorry i keep adding these ill try to stop so you can read the story and not my stupid notes)

"What was that about pence pence?" Match asked as she looked at Pencil as she laid down on her bed.

"We don't need her remember? She's a 'BeMbEr'" Pencil said, trying to initiate Bubble while saying bember.

Pencil laughs and Match laughs as well. Match had felt as if Pencil was getting more rude in a way but thought nothing of it. It was a small thought in her mind. Just a small one. A really, really, really, small one.

"So..." Match started after laughing, she wiped a small tear from her eye from laughter, "what did you want to, like, talk about?"


Pencil had a devilish smile as Match gave her a worried look, but thought she was fine.

"What if..." Pencil started looking down on everyone else, "what if we were in charge?"

"What do you mean?" Match asked her. Pencil sighed and then looked at Match.

"What if we were in charge? What if we could... you know... rule over everyone?" Pencil said, showing Match everyone down below them "Be this high up all the time. Make the others look up to us as we look down on them!" Pencil said as she laughed deviously.

"That..." Match stopped and looked down with Pencil at the others, "that sounds like something I could do with." Pencil smiled at Match.

"But! How would we do it?" Match asked her. Pencil looked up at the sky and then down on the others and then eyed Bubble.

"We can trick the others. Make them join us to an extent." Pencil said.

"How?" Match asked, looking at her friend and looked down at what she was looking at as well.

"There are going to be people out there who are gonna join us. Is there not?"

"Yeah but how will we convince them to join?"

"We have our ways, Match don't worry!" Pencil said and grabbed her friend's hands.

Everything will go according to plan.


A/N: oh wow, end of part one! Well I hoped you guys enjoyed it and stayed tuned for more I guess! peace out guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! Also i will try to post a part/chapter about every week when time permits

Pence Pence [BFB/BFDI AU]Where stories live. Discover now