Chapter 1 - Part 3

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"W-What..." Bubble whispered under her breath. She stood, ear still next to the door, in shock.

T-this is a joke right? They don't actually wanna take over the world and kill people... right?... right!?

Bubble had no more time to think as she heard footsteps come towards the door as she ran off and hid behind the wall.

"Did you hear something?" Match asked as Bubble held her breath.

"Oh Matchy Match, it was just your brain, don't worry!" Pencil said all cheerfully. "Now let's go get some people to join!"

The two girls walked down the hall to the stairs to get some people, Bubble didn't go after them and ran to the room that was Ruby's and knocked on the door 7 times, the way to know it was your alliance.

"Oh hey Bubble!" Ruby said, smiling at her friend. "Is everything okay?" Ruby asked after looking at Bubble to see her look scared.

"I... I need to talk to you about something..." Bubble said.

Ruby nodded, thinking it was about friend troubles or girl stuff, besides as her job as the therapist friend she was fine with it.

"So what do you need to talk about?" Ruby sat on her white fuzzy chair next to her bed where Bubble was sitting.

"I-I... Pencil and Match want to... Penc... I..." Bubble stuttered with her words as her mouth felt dry and she couldn't find the way to speak.

She knew she had to tell Ruby about this though. She just couldn't find the words to tell her.

"Take your time if you need." Ruby said, handing Bubble a glass of water next to her side table.

Bubble held it in her hands to feel the still cold water in her hands and gulped it down and felt that she could tell Ruby now.

She was hoping anyway.

"Pencil and Match they want to take over..." Bubble said, looking down at the empty glass in her hands.

"W-what do you mean?" Ruby asked. She knew a joke when she heard one but this... wasn't a joke...


Ruby stared at Bubble after Bubble told her all she knew about it so far.

"W-what..." Ruby said, staring at Bubble as Bubble proceeded to stare at the floor, not baring to look at her friend across from her.

"I don't know what to do and it's not like we can really stop her! She's gonna get her way even if it involves hurting the people she cares the most about!" Bubble said, grasping the glass harder, making Ruby think she was gonna break it with her bare hands.

Ruby grabbed the glass from her and tried to think.

"When are they planning to do this?"

"No idea..."

"Who's joining them so far?"

"They said they were gonna find people so they don't have them yet."

"That's a plus I guess."

The two girls stared at the floor trying to think, what are they going to do?


Ruby looked up and Bubbles' face lit up at her idea. Ruby looked at her waiting for her to tell her her idea.

"What if we started something to make them stop? Like a... Resistance?"

"Bubble! That idea is awesome! But... who's gonna believe us?"

Pence Pence [BFB/BFDI AU]Where stories live. Discover now