Chapter 1 - Part 2

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After what felt like forever, Bubble turned around and walked away after she watched the two girls go inside.

A Lot of people would say that it wasn't fair how they treated bubble, that they should be nicer.

But the honest truth was she was used to it by now. When you get bullied or told to do things, forced even, you get used to it.

(A/N: I know how that feels :])

Bubble turned to look over at some of the others doing their everyday lives.

She always wondered what would happen if some small thing changed, if everything else would as well.

After about a minute of standing and doing nothing, a sharp rock flew past her as she ducked down.

"Blocky!" Taco yelled as Bubble looked over to Taco scolding Blocky.

"What was that about! There is no need to go and murder someone for fun!" Taco said, flailing her arms at him. At this point they all knew that the arms thing was an expression, not that they don't care. Well everyone but pillow.

Blocky rolled his eyes as Taco still yelled at him for trying to kill Bubble.

She never really minded anymore. It was normal after being killed about 30 or so times. It became a routine at about 1,000. And she was going on more than 3,000 at this point.

And still counting.

Bubble sighed and looked up at the window for a sec to see a glance of Pencil showing the land to Match. The two girls looked over the land as Pencil smiled with a devilish look on her face.

It wasn't a funny kind of devilish smile, it was sinister. Like there was more.

Bubble needed to know what was going on.


After about what felt like forever, Bubble had finally reached the top of the stairs next to Pencils room and learned her ear next to the door.

"Okay so we got that but what if people, you know, like, refuse to join or try to stop us?" Match's voice said.

Not join what? Stop what? What would we want to stop them from doing that bad?

"Look if it has to come to the point we have to make some... changes to the others... so be it. They wont stop us if we have an army." Pencil said.

So Pencil was in charge of this plan they were talking about, good to know i guess.

"So what now pence pence?

"We get others to be along with us."

"But what if they don't? What if nobody joins us?"

"Trust me, I have my ways to get at least some people to join."

"Now come on dear friend, time to take over the world."

Plan is now set in action



A/N: sorry this chapter was so short i was gonna add more but cliffhangers are fun so yeah. Also I'll make the list of who's in this book soon. So besides that have a good day guys, gals and nonbinary pals!

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