A/N: Thank u!

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So i posted this book like, not even a week ago i think and we almost have 50 views! I know this isnt the best so far but i like it and i hope you guys do to, even just knowing that your reading it makes me happy! Ive honestly wanted to publish this for like three months now but i hope you guys like it. ill try to post the next part this week hopefully before thursday, but i have been busy lately with summer starting for me and stuff, but at least ill be able to write more.

(Also ADHD is just being a pain will me just wanting to sit and watch game theory all day. or thats just me idk)

But thank you guys, you honestly dont know how much this means to me and i hope we can get more views in the future.

have a good day guys, gals, and non-binary pals!

- Glo_Fis

[Dude how the fuq do we have 70 reads we had like 50 yesterday the hell?]

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