Chapter 2

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Xander woke up in the hospital surrounded in police officers. "Xander, we need to ask you some questions." All he wanted to do was sleep. He was in so much pain. He also soon realized the bright green cast on his left arm. They explained they made the cast green to match his half green, half black hair. He was also in a neck brace. Xander blocked out the talking of the police and doctors, and fell asleep.

Surprisingly, nobody woke him up. When he did wake up, there was a quiet police officer sitting next to him. Her name was Officer Velez. He never got to learn her first name though. It did however start with a P. "What's going on?" Asked Xander. "Well, you jumped off a bridge. It was a pretty nasty fall. At least you didn't injure anything too major."
Xander stayed quiet. "Well, i'm gonna be the officer that sits with you until you get discharged, and sent back home later."

"Who's picking me up?"

"Your mother, her boyfriend, and your sister. But before you leave, we need to ask some questions since your a runaway."

"Oh, uh, okay?.."

"Why did you run away?"

Xander remained quiet. About a minute passes, Officer V is writing things in her notebook, and Xander decided to speak up. "I'm scared of police officers." He explained. "How so?"

"Well, they've always been kinda racist towards me since i'm Mexican. I'm also bisexual which doesn't help. They always somehow find a way to insult me for those things. My mom always explains how I'm bisexual and shit when police comes by after one of my suicide attempts."

"Well, i'm not racist. Or homophobic. So you have nothing to worry about. I'm actually bisexual myself too."

A few hours pass, and more questions were asked. Xander got sent home the same night. He was told he would be able to take off his neck brace in about 2-3 days. After those few days pass, Xander's mom decides to go back to Josephs house with Aria and his mom. Xander had lost the photo of his girlfriend. Luckily, His mom was able to buy him a new one. Xander was put on Lexapro and Abilify. He felt like shit. He put in his new pair of earbuds, and put on WHOKILLEDXIX. They got back to the house. Josephs house. Joseph was already outside again. Xander was the last one to get out because he was scared of Joseph, considering he kinda watched him sleep a few nights ago.

When Xander laid his backpack down on the ground next to the bed he slept in last time he was over. He decides to just use his vape in Josephs house since he's already caused Xander enough stress. He didn't sleep at all. That night, he decided to raid the medicine cabinets, and see if there's any pills he could find. Or liquid medications he could overdose on. He found prescription Oxycodone, and some Nyquil. He took an oxy, and washed it down with Nyquil. He was out in like- ten minutes. He woke up to the sound of his phone vibrating. His group chat with all his friends on Snapchat were spamming him to sneak out, and meet them at the closest McDonalds to him.

Xander: guys, i literally just overdosed.

Elianna: Well, we're hungryyy and u should come

Xander: bro no, elianna i love u and all but like i cant sneak out again.

Bradley: bro, dont be a pussy, u should come

Xander: i cant fucking think straight, i can barepy walk

Zachery: Bro, we already out front just come outside, i got ibuprofen and gatorade. we gotchu everyone will be low-key and calm

Xander: alr, ill be ouit in a few.


Xander stumbled his way out the front door. "Damn bro, what happened to you?" Asked Zachery. Elianna got out of the car to help Xander. When they all got in the car, Xander slumped over on Elianna's shoulder. "Love you babyyy-.." Xander said in a slurred voice. Elianna sat there, and remained quiet. She seemed annoyed. Bradley drove them all to Zachery's apartment because his place was the only one without parents considering he was 22. "I thought we were going to McDonalds." Elianna said with attitude. "Shut up, we going to Zach's place." Exclaimed Bradley. Xander was passed out on Elianna's shoulder. "Damn, Oxycodone really messes you up." Said Zachery.

When they got to Zach's apartment. The first thing Bradley did was pack a bowl. Xander put on Glass Animals on the bluetooth speaker, and sprawled out on the floor. "Drug lust, and two packets in your pocket; Clear score, dust hits your nose like a rocket~.." Xander sang loudly. Everyone was laughing except Elianna. She quickly got up, and headed towards the front door. "Yo, Elianna, where you going?" Asked Bradley. "I'm going home. You boys have fun." Xander had a confused look on his face, then shrugged and continued singing. "Xander, are you gay?" Asked Bradley in a serious tone. "I'm bisexual." Said Xander. "Oh, damn. Does Elianna know?" Asked Zach. "Don't know, don't care.

A few hours pass and Bradley fell asleep. Zach and Xander were still awake. They both got hungry, so they went to the kitchen and made cereal. "Bro, its 2 in the morning, are you tired?" Asked Zachery. "Nope, not at all." Said Xander. They both started talking about sexualities, and a history of how they've felt about the same gender. "I've always been pansexual." Explained Zachery. "Oh wow, I didn't know that. You've always seemed like a pretty straight guy." Said Xander. They both stared at each other for a few moments until Xander leaned in for a kiss. Zachery kissed him back. Xander pulled away quickly, and started to panic. Shit, shit, shit! what about Elianna? Xander thought to himself. Then he realized that maybe she wasn't a good fit for him. So Xander leaned back in for another kiss, then after that, they started making out. After a few minutes of that, they made their way to Zachery's bedroom.

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