Chapter 29

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~Jorel's POV~

We had replaced Deuce with our good friend Danny. He sang fucking amazing and he was really cool. Deuce was a fucking dick and he disagreed on everything.

Danny was a perfect fit for the band. He worked well with us and we always solved our problems.

~Anna's POV~

This week had been pretty stressful with all the presentations I had to to, but I went through it perfectly.

"Wow Anna. You're really smart. How did you know all of that in one day?" Matthew asked.

"I've studied for everything ever since I knew how to read." I said.

"You really know what you're doing. Having good grades in this college can get you your dream job and make you more well known for your artwork." He said.

"Yeah, that's what I would like to happen." I said.

"So how long you think you're gonna stay at this college for?" He asked.

"A few years. 2 or 3 max. I cant stay long, I have a life to live." I said.

"I agree with you on that. This is my second year here. next year will be my last." He said.

"I'm proud of how far you've come." I said.

"Anna, you've presented shit that I couldn't even last year. Not even this year. You're really talented with your work." He said.

"I guess so." I said.

"So, you study for literally everything?" He asked.

"Yes. Tests, presentations, projects, everything. I have to know my information before I put everything down." I said.

"You're one hell of a smart girl." He said.

"Why thank you." I said.

"Just watch out, some girls wanna be friends with you just because you get everything right." He said.

"I'm not letting them ruin this for me." I said.

Matthew nodded as I packed my folders in my bag.

"Annabelle Martin, can I see you for a second?" This random dude asked me.

"Oh, yeah, sure." I said.

I waved by to Matthew as I followed the dude in the hallway.

"Are you new here?" He asked.

"Yes." I said.

"Well hi. I'm Brian. You're really talented." He said.

"Oh, thank you it's really nothing. I just study a lot and practice." I said.

"I can tell." He said.

"Yeah." I said.

"Would you like to maybe go out sometime?" He asked.

"I really cant, I have more studying to do for my next presentations I don't even have time for my boyfriend to visit." I said.

"Hm, okay. Soon, can you teach me how to be this good at this stuff?" He asked.

"Yeah, when I have time." I said.

"Cool." He said.

I nodded, walking back to my dorm.

"What did Brian need to say to you?" Matthew asked.

"He first asked me out and then said he wants me to teach him everything I know about this stuff." I said.

"Brian Smith does not ever want to learn for shit. He's just getting at you for a good grade, trust me he's done it to a shit load of girls. Did you mention you have a boyfriend?" He asked.

"Yes of course." I said.

"Good." He said.

I nodded as I sat at my desk and pulled out some of my art books. I tied my hair back in a ponytail and just started drawing. Drawing relieved lots of stress out of me.

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