chapter twelve

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chapter twelve: I take a virtual tour of Sebastian's father's forehead

tw: implied abûse

S: guess who's decided to haunt me                     
O : Who?
S: my father
S: and he brought the Accomplices
               O : Do you need me to call you?
S: not yet
S: thanks though
             O : Anytime

I forced myself to put away my phone, completely forgetting what I had originally picked it up for. Oh, yeah. Homework.

Not gaining any motivation to Google the answers to the worksheet, I put it away, making a mental note to do it before Tuesday, meaning I'd either do it Monday night or Tuesday morning. It's pretty amazing how motivation hits when homework is due next lesson.

My head needed some serious decluttering. No wonder I couldn't remember anything I had learnt more than two months ago, not that I would ever use any of those things in real life.

The table vibrated as a message came through from Sebastian.

S: call me quick

I dialled his number without hesitation and let it ring.

While I was at school, I had only ever come close to seeing Sebastian's father once, and he didn't even come to see Sebastian. He had come with concerns about the school funds, and had never once even stopped by to see his youngest son.

The Accomplices were Sebastian's two older brothers, and from what I heard, they weren't any better either. They were frequently mentioned around the school, usually with 'legacy' attracted to  their names. The sentence after usually noted their disappointment with the youngest child of the family.

Sebastian had never mentioned his family more than a scattering of rare occasions, but I had picked up that he didn't get along with them very well, so I didn't press him. It wasn't like I would want someone to press me about my own family.

The phone stopped ringing. 'Hello?'

'Hi,' I said. 'How are you doing?'

'Wait,' Sebastian replied. 'Let me switch to video.'

I waited for him to call me back, picking up immediately. He was walking around the grounds, glancing up every few seconds, as to make sure no one was following him.

'What's up?' I asked, watching his eyes dart back to the screen.

He looked around nervously. 'It's Holden and my father. They're planning something. I don't know what.'

'Your dad didn't speak to you?'

'Has yours?'

'No,' I admitted. 'But that's not the point.'

'He asked me about my shifting. I told him it was exactly the same as it was last time. Then he walked away, muttering to himself.'

'He's still caught up on your shifting?'

Sebastian shrugged. 'Well if you were a malfunction, you'd be caught up in it too.'

'You are not a malfunction.'

'I'm a werewolf who doesn't shift into a wolf.'

'You're not a malfunction, Seb.'

'Whatever,' he said. I knew it was bothering him badly. All his life he had been pressured into becoming this great wolf, only for him not to shift on his fifth birthday. I knew he saw himself as a failure. It didn't help that he was born on a lunar eclipse.

'So what do you think Holden's planning?' I asked him, feeling it was around time for a subject change.

Sebastian shook his head. 'I really have no idea, Ol. And that isn't a good thing. I just—'

A dark figure came up behind Sebastian, tall and bald, a stern expression on his face. He looked like he meant trouble, and would make sure you remember it.

'Sebastian,' he said, not missing Sebastian's visible flinch in reply.

'Father,' he replied, his tone cold and dead.

Sebastian's father gestured to the screen. 'And who might this be?'

'I'm Oliver,' I said, waving though I wasn't sure if he could see it from the screen. 'Rodriguez.'

'Ah. I've heard of you.' Whatever the hell that meant.

His dark eyes gleamed with a look I knew well in Holden's eyes. A look that was way too fresh for me to see. Too soon, too soon.

'Let's play a game, Olive,' Holden had said. 'I've heard you're rather good at them.'

'I'm going to count to ten. Then I'm going to find you. You're missing science right now, aren't you? Let me make a hypothesis. The more I hurt you, the louder you'll scream.'

The Look appeared on his face, dark and scheming, causing my heart to triple in speed. Every inch of me was begging to run, hide, do anything but I couldn't. It would only make things worse.

This was supposed to be my escape. Holden knew this, and Sebastian's father did as well. Lucky for me I'd have to get caught up in this.

But I'd bear it for Sebastian. After all, he had done the same for me.

'It is a good thing for Sebastian to have some real friends,' Sebastian's father was saying. 'With actual powers, I mean.'

I looked at him. 'Sebastian does have actual powers.'

He shook his head. 'Sebastian never developed properly. He has—'

'I don't want to know what Sebastian has,' I interrupted. 'If he wants to tell me, he will.'

'Sebastian does not mind.'

Beside him, Sebastian went very, very still. In our time together, he hadn't told me of any of this. And I knew he would have if he felt safe.

'I don't want to know,' I repeated, in what I hoped was a firm voice. 'Now please go, Sebastian and I are trying to talk.'

He raised a pretentious eyebrow. 'You talk bravely, for a monster.'

'You talk bravely for an asshole.'

Sebastian's father went red and blotchy. He seemed to be thinking about a remark to snipe back at me, coming up with nothing.

'I will make sure Holden hears about this,' he spat, before storming off. 'You will not hear the last of me.'

As soon as he was gone, Sebastian pulled his phone closer to him.

'Are you okay?' I asked.

He stared at me. 'Am I okay? You just called my father an asshole.'

'He deserved it.'

Sebastian shook his head. 'That was crazy. But thanks for standing up for me.'

'Do you think he'll kill me?'

'Oh no,' Sebastian said, and I almost fell over in relief.

'But he'll probably hunt you down and torture you until you'll wish he had killed you.'

'Thanks for the assurance.'

'Any time.'

'You sure you're okay?' I asked.

Sebastian nodded. 'For now at least. I'll call if there's any trouble.'

'Thanks,' I said, truly meaning it this time.


'Bye, Sebastian.'

word count: 1078
total words: 14, 756
date: 19th April

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