chapter thirteen

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chapter thirteen: I am apparently un-educated

Being that I had only known Mia for a week before I had moved, this was the first time I had ever been to her house.

Every inch of it was polished, like her mother couldn't stand the idea of an untidy house, even when she knew we were throwing a party.

'Hi,' I said, when Mia's mother had let me in, handing her a Tupperware pot of cookies I had made. Mia had warned me beforehand to bring something for her mother in order to leave a good impression.

Mia's mom looked touched, though she quickly sobered up. 'Thank you,' she said. 'I am happy to finally meet you.'

I nodded. 'It's great to meet you as well.'

After a few moments, Mia came hurtling down the stairs, jumping down two at a time. She looked at me, then her mother, snapping a few words in sharp Korean.

'Come on,' Mia urged. 'Let's go to the kitchen.'

I followed her to an equally tidy kitchen, unlike our own yellowing wallpaper with oil splats on the walls. If Mia's mother ever saw my house, she would probably faint.

'You look like your mother,' I told her, as she started bringing out the party plates.

Mia pulled a face, sticking her tongue out.

'I know,' she said. 'It's the height, I think.'

I grinned. 'Salty?'

'About what?'

'I'm taller than you.'

Mia glared. 'I hate males. Just when I start to think I'm tall, they grow about twenty feet in a month.'

'If it makes you feel better, I do specifically remember you being tall.'

'Thank you,' she huffed. 'That's making me feel so much better.'

I grabbed the stack of plates and cups, somehow managing to balance them.

'Should I bring these outside?' I asked, unable to stop smiling at Mia's Grumpy Cat frown.

'Yep,' she said, taking out a chocolate cake from the fridge.

I nudged her with my elbow. 'Aw, come on. You are seriously not ignoring me because I'm taller than you.'

'Shut up.'

'Only if you give me extra cake.'

'Fine,' she grudgingly agreed, finally breaking out in a grin as I executed a skip without dropping anything.


Mia and I sat on the grass, completely stuffed with way too much chocolate cake. To be fair, it was more of a picnic than a party, but neither of us were about to make that correction.

'I know,' she said, turning to me. 'We should open the presents now.'

'My mom never let me open my presents at my parties,' I admitted. 'She said it was rude.'

Mia pulled a face. 'You're at my house now. Your mom can—'

'Mia!' I interrupted. 'Let's just open the presents.'

'Fine. Open mine first.'

I took the parcel, wrapped in purple iridescent paper, completely with an over-the-top string bow. In a strange way, the paper somehow radiated Mia vibes.

'Hurry up,' she said, causing me to look up and give her a hard stare.

'I don't want to tear the paper.'

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