Nova & Lumînous (Backround 2)

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It had only been a day since the incident. Nova was completely for Lumînous' plan. She didn't think it was suspicious though, since they were young they shared everything. She knows exactly how Nova works and he know how she does.

Midnight however was always distant. She would disappear for long times in the day. Her best excuse was always royal duties as the oldest of their siblings, but most of the time she never even gave a reason. Lumînous now understood she was part of this grand issue.

Nova would swear to her that they had to be safe about this. He wanted her to take her issue up like anyone should, tell the people in charge, get help, get everyone else in on it. Not that last part exactly, but that's how it felt.

Usually he was the smart one but Lumînous couldn't hate his plans more. It's foolish when you don't even know who to trust. Midnight was going to go disappear again but this time it was late at night, sneaky even for her. Nova said they weren't going to follow her and Luminous agreed. Until he fell asleep and she saw her perfect chance.

She was sitting in the kitchen eating a fish cupcake. And no it's not gross as anyone other than a phoenix says. It's delicious. She heard the tapping of claws calmly walking over. Since it was late and she wasn't supposed to be up she dashed behind the counter top, peaking around to see who was coming and if they were a snitch to tell someone Lumînous was out of her room or not.

Lumînous was just a little surprised to see Midnight come into view. Sketchy bird? She thought while watching Midnight frantically look around to make sure nobody was near. That's definitely a snitch who's not only up to something but awake past her bedtime. By some miracle Midnight didn't question the lights being on, or notice her purple sister staring at her from the floor.

Midnight would twirl her feathery fingers around while a small golden sparkle circled around it. That was kind of creepy Lumînous thought. She quietly reached her hands over the counter and grabbed her cupcake when a loud click sounded off. She immediately put the cupcake back down in fear that she broke something and ran behind a large shelf of condiments.

Midnight stared at the cupcake in confusion but thankfully didn't care in the end. The loud click echoed over again and the counter sunk straight into the ground into a staircase. Lumînous quietly gasped. She knew the castle had secret passageways. Everyone told her those things only exist in fantasy stories and that she shouldn't go around looking for any. She knew they were just trying to hide something and here it is. A passageway triggered by magic. The one thing she didn't have.

Her cupcake was long gone, but if anyone asked her why she was there she could just say because someone so rudely dropped her food in a deep secret hole. That was too easy. Midnight walked down the staircase and after waiting for a moment, Luminous followed. The entrance didn't close behind her which made her slightly disappointed that not everything was the same as her books, but it would make for a good escape. And a TERRIBLE plan for anyone trying to keep this place hidden.

She saw a mess. Boxes and crates everywhere, misplaced. What could they be full of? If they were bombs someone really didn't care if they died. They would be so easy to trip over, but perfect for her as she hid behind one. At the end of the room there was the only actual light down there, a flickering oddly blue colored light. The rest of the place was covered in candles. Perfect idea to have fire surrounding everything flammable. Whoever made this place was worse then Luminous.
"Sannvi." Midnight nodded in acknowledgment.

Under the blue light was her mother. She was know as Queen Saanvi. Midnight wouldn't call her mom formally. Lumînous thought it was weird but not weirder than anything else she's seen.

Her mom stared at Midnight, but she wasn't staring exactly. It's like she was looking through her, as if she wasn't there. She always did that when she was mad. But it wasn't as bad as her dad's evil eye contact. Both succeeded in making you feel bad about yourself.

"It's Queen Saanvi." Oh she was really mad. What about? Luminous took a step closer before she felt a soft squish. She looked down and saw her cupcake between her claws. Oh well that's where that went. How disgusting.

Midnight spoke softly, "You know it's not my fault, if you didn't move the party a day ahead it would've gone smoothly." There was annoyance in her voice. Lumînous didn't think that was fair, nobody could talk to mother like that, she was the Queen. Then again alot of people talked to her like that because she wasn't a phoenix...

"Nobody has their magic birthday the day after their birthday." The queen sighed out. But now she had to wait for Midnight to respond, that's how having a conversation works, so why did it look like she didn't care? "That's what we did with Nova," Midnight started to raise her voice. "And it's not called a magic birthday."

Lumînous did remember something about Novakin, his powers didn't appear until the day after his birthday, when his party took place. Nobody thought it was weird, Lumînous did though, because she knew everything. She grinned to herself. Finally she was right about something and here was her proof.

Wait, no. She had to think like Nova, this wasn't proof, this was only suspicious activity, anyone would glance by that fact and would care less.

"Whatever it's called, now Lumînous won't be able to stay a princess and it's your fault." Sannvi said ever so calmly. WHAT!? She couldn't be a princess!? Because why?? This made less and less sense. Lumînous tapped her crown to make sure it was still there. Whatever was supposed to happen today controlled her royal placement?

Midnight growled at their mother. "It's not too late, I can still make another potion, you know the way she is, it would make perfect sense if she thought she didn't have any powers when she really did."

Potions? This was starting to make sense now. Midnight was some sort of witch, making potions to make Nova and Lumînous magical, because...? They could stay prince and princess and they would be forced into a life of boring diplomatic stuff forever!

She had heard enough, she shoved over a box and went running up the stairs, back into the kitchen and rushing up the long curved stairs, into her and Nova's room. They didn't have to share, but they wanted too. Nova was casually sleeping away as if his fun magical life wasn't on the line.

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