The next morning, I woke up with frantic voice messages from my mom.

Oh yeah, I forgot to tell her where I was last night..

I called her back.

"Alison?" She panicked.

"I am so sorry I forgot to tell you that I was leaving." I said.

"Where are you?!" She asked frantically.

"I spent the night at Jason's." I answered.

"And you're alright?" She calmed down.

"Of course."

"Alright.. be home by dinner." She hung up.


I thought she was gonna yell, scream, and kick me through the phone.

I guess she was just happy I was safe and maybe that I was spending time with Jason?

Jason never wakes up before eleven on vacations, and it was 10 am.

So I left him a note and I headed to Hanna's.

We spent the day getting our nails done and shopping.

I got home at 9 pm.

"I'll be in bed mom, I'm exhausted." I called out.

"Put your phone on the counter!" She yelled.

"What? Why?" I asked.

"Because you stay up too late on it and you need to get more rest. So put it on the counter at night." She had her hand on her hip and pointed to the counter.

"You can't take my phone away!" I said.

"Of course i can. I'm your mother. And I will."

I threw my phone on the table.

"Oh! And you have a D- in Geometry? You're grounded, too." She said.

"Why?!" I yelled.

"Because you're getting a D-!"

"I've told you that I need help but all you ever do is say 'you'll figure it out, honey' and dad is never here!" I screamed.

I didn't give her a chance at a counter-argument because I ran upstairs and slammed my door.

I put on a black hoodie and combat boots Emily left here a few days ago.

I climbed out the window and jumped from the second story.

I landed on my feet and pain shot through me, but I ran.

I heard my mother yell my name from my bedroom but I kept running.

I ran all the way to Emily's house and climbed through her open window.

I crawled under her bed after I heard her phone ring and her mom answer with "Mrs. DiLaurentis?".

Emily casually came back in and sat on the bed.

Then her mom came in and I stiffened.

"Emily, do you know where Alison is?" Her mother asked.

"Ali's missing?" Emily panicked.

Her mom left the room and mumbled some things to my mom.

I crawled out and stood up.

Emily screamed.

I heard her mom run upstairs and I his in her closet.

"What's wrong honey?" It was her mother's turn to panic.

"Oh, nothing. I thought I saw a spider but, it was just a dust bunny." She covered.

Her mother sighed and left.

"Ali? What the hell are you doing here?" She asked and I explained everything.

That night, I slept in her closet.

It did not feel good.

The Rosewood It Girl (A Pretty Little Liars Twist)Where stories live. Discover now