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I was still shaking when I got to school. My hands wouldn't stop rapidly moving back and forth, my breath was caught in my chest, my ankles were shaky and I was sweating. Typical anxiety attack.

I walked into my English classroom and opened up my book. As I read, the anxiety got a little bit more under control and I calmed down.

"Good morning students, please take a seat and open up to chapter 12." Mr. Gitchell spoke as he wrote the assignment on the board.

"Who can tell me who tricked.." He spoke as I tuned him out, looking at all his concert tees he mindlessly decided to frame in an English classroom.

A loud bang broke my thoughts as everyone screamed and huddled in a corner while the teacher locked the door, shut off the lights and closed the blind.

"Stay calm, the police are on their way. Just be quiet and don't move." He whispered sternly as he stayed behind his desk, peering over it to make sure we were alright.

I looked around again and my eyes attached to his 'Guns n Roses' concert tee. And right next to the 'gun', a little, despicable, barely visible 'A.'

I glared at it for a moment before realizing that glaring wouldn't do me any good. So I quickly stood up and swiftly unlocked, opened, and closed the door, ignoring the whisper-yells and running down the hall before anyone could stop me.

A petite, small-in-stature, female structure dressed in all black with a 9-caliber pistol in her hand, stood at the end of the corridor turned and ran down a hallway.

Before I knew it I was running after her, going as fast as I could, my heels clicking down the tile hall.

A strong arm grabbed me from behind. "What the hell are you doing?" A SWAT team member yelled through his protective face mask.

"I know who it is!" I yelled back. "Who?"

"Well, I don't actually know who it is but they've sent me messages and-"

"Okay but you can report this later but right now you need to get out of here!" He yelled as he opened the door to the geometry classroom where Aria and Hanna sat huddled together in a corner.

Their eyes widened and frantically motioned me over. I ran to them and we held hands as we sat as close as possible.

"You know who it is?" Hanna asked quietly.

"She tried to kill me this morning."

"I think she tried to kill us all this morning, okay? And how do you know its a she?" Aria tried to reassure me but it didnt work.

"No, she dropped a tree branch right in front of me and almost flattened me this morning. It's definitely a girl. She had long blonde hair."

"What does the blonde hair mean? A lot of people have long blonde hair, how can you know who it is?" Hanna intruded.

"She looks just like me." I proclaimed, "guys, I think It's Courtney."

The Rosewood It Girl (A Pretty Little Liars Twist)Where stories live. Discover now