Chapter Two

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"Hey, mom," Sora answered the phone call.

"Hi, Mimi, I was calling to let you know I might be a little later than usual, I'm closing the shop once the parakeets get here, they mixed up the labels with the flower shop on McKinney and gave me a bunch of birds of paradise flowers." She said sounding slightly upset. "Idiots. They probably thought the parakeets were petunias or something anyway I'll see you later tonight."

"Okay, mom, see you later." Sora said goodbye and hung up. Now she had plenty of time to set up for dinner and prepare herself for how she would tell her mother about the acceptance letter and practically moving across the other side of the world.


Henry and Misora were setting the table for what felt like their last meal on earth because the minute Nanami found out what the special occasion was it would be over for both of them. Sora's mother wasn't fond of heroes nor was she proud of her daughter's achievements in the field—which is why this conversation would be a lot more difficult than she could imagine.

"Okay, everything is set," Sora plated the last dish and admired her work. Henry had picked up Mexican food from a family owned restaurant that Nanami loved this would probably help ease her into the conversation that was UA—probably.

"I left the flan in the fridge," he pointed back with his thumbs, "you know as a peace offering."

"Good, good, hopefully tonight won't go so bad and this'll just be a funny story to remember." Sora smiled up at the six foot tall man, but he didn't look so tall and looming as he normally did on the contrary he looked ready to jump ship the second the waves—aka Nanami—began to get choppy.

"Yeah, hopefully no emergency calls come through and I have to leave early," he tried to say in a non-suspicious way but the slight crack in his voice gave him away.

"Don't worry I told Glenda to forward any emergencies to Frida or Cal because you would be dealing with some other stuff outside of work," Sora had sparked up a conversation with the desk lady and found out her name was Glenda, a sweet older lady that loved romance novels (the spicy kind) and had two Persian cats and she was more than happy to make sure that Henry wouldn't be bothered after work.

"Oh, great, you shouldn't have," he laughed unsmiling.

The wind chime at the door announced Nanami's arrival, they both sprung into to a jump and scrambled to get into position. Nanami was startled when she can down the hall to find Henry and Sora standing so stiffly in the dining room.

"Mimi," she approached her daughter giving her a kiss on the forehead and then walked towards Henry, "Ashford," she gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "What's going on?" She asked looking at the both while placing her keys in a bowl.

"Surprise!" They both announced and stepped aside to reveal the spread they had so meticulously arranged.

Nanami looked in awe at the food and immediately went to check out the plates. It was all her favorite dishes and from her favorite restaurant—she could tell by the smell of it.

"Wow, this all looks so good," she smiled at the both, "what are you both up to?"

Before Sora could answer Henry took a seat and grabbed a plate.

"Let's eat I'm starving," he began with the rice.

"Hey don't finish all the rice, leave me some," Nanami pulled out a chair and took a seat as well, Sora followed.

The food was great and Nanami looked appeased—at least enough to start this conversation.

"So mom," Sora started and Nanami looked over at her with sleepy eyes, "there's a reason for this, you know."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2022 ⏰

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