Chapter 1: Vampire's Proposition

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Three cookies were training in what remains of the Pure Vanilla kingdom; turned into the lair of the Dark Enchantress Cookie. These three cookies were three of the most trusted members of her following: Dark Choco Cookie, Licorice Cookie, and Poison Mushroom Cookie. These trusted members were doing their all to train for the next scheme their master has planned for them: Dark Choco Cookie practicing with his cursed sword and Licorice Cookie raising the dead, and Poison Mushroom watching them.

Dark Choco Cookie made a strike on his dummy opponents, and the cursed energy shot like lightning, knocking the dummy's down, but shooting up his arm in the process. He cries out in pain, causing Licorice Cookie's undead minions to scurry back into the ground.

Licorice Cookie's brows furrowed, looking at his comrade. "Can you do that any quieter?!" He shouted at him.

Dark Choco Cookie dropped his sword, holding his arm. His face was full of remorse and anger at himself. "I'm sorry.", He spoke with a sigh.

"'Sorry' won't bring my servants back from the ground after you made me LOSE MY CONCENTRATION!" Licorice Cookie scolded. He facepalms, before vaguely reaching to the sky. "I bet Red Velvet Cookie doesn't have to deal with this, with his own training area and everything..."

Poison Mushroom speaks up from behind the two of them. "He has... Cake beasts. You have... Licorice Rolls."

"EX-CUSE ME!" Licorice Cookie cried out to Poison Mushroom Cookie. "My servants of darkness are not 'Rolls'!" He crouched down to Poison Mushroom Cookie's level, 'Booping' him on the nose. "I thought you, of all cookies, would know that!"

Poison Mushroom Cookie looks at the finger, looks up at Licorice Cookie, before biting his finger. Licorice Cookie makes a light scream, pulling back his finger.

"... You are very hard to stay mad at..." Licorice Cookie mumbles as he cleans the slobber from his finger.

Poison Mushroom Cookie looks up, noticing a little bat flying into the courtyard. His eyes follow it, as his older coworkers go to continue their training.

"New... Friend...?" Poison Mushroom Cookie asks, slowly pointing to the bat, as it moves to the center of the area.

Licorice Cookie begins to speak, "What do you mean, new fri-"

The bat transforms into a caped, red haired cookie. Licorice Cookie screams.

Dark Choco Cookie noticed the intruder, quickly pointing his sword towards him, with both fear and anger filling his face. "Who goes there?!" He shouted.

The strange cookie smiled, calmly moving towards them. "Relax, relax! It's just little ol' me!"

"And who is 'Little old me'?" Dark Choco asked, cautiously lowering his sword.

"The name's Vampire Cookie!" He said with a sassy hand on his hip. "And I have a proposition for you all~" He said as he pointed towards the three.

Licorice Cookie subtly tried to protect Poison Mushroom Cookie from this intruder, stepping in front of them. "And what may that be?" He asked, visibly afraid.

"Fresh start!" Vampire Cookie chuckled, before starting to speak. "Recently, there's been a threat that I'd say concerns ALL of earthbread, not just any specific factions, kingdoms, or... whatever. A dragon's been running absolutely crazy along various sections of earthbread, and is pretty close to having the cookie kingdom as a lunchtime meal. If it wanted to, it could totally turn all of earthbread into a nice little chew toy... which, of course," Vampire Cookie points to the ground, "Includes here."

Dark Choco Cookie lowered his sword, but still had it ready in case this strange cookie got ideas. "And what do we have to do with this?" He asked.

Vampire cookie rubbed his chin with a smile. "Well, I've personally noticed the attacks you three use when in combat seems almost tailor made to take down this threat! Licorice Cookie's servants as extra protection, Poison Mushroom Cookie's poison as, well, poison, and your sword and its... fancy cursed magic. A combination made in heaven with some of the other members of the little guild we got going on!"

Licorice Cookie inched closer, still making sure to guard the curious Poison Mushroom. He was quite suspicious of this! "What other members..?"

"Well, there's actually a team planned for you three, and another cookie that... I don't think any of you have had the pleasure of meeting, and... myself, actually!" Vampire Cookie explained. "And, hey," he looked at the curious Poison Mushroom Cookie, "I bet you'd be good friends with the other cookie, lil' guy!"

"They're non binary, actually." Licorice Cookie corrected.

"Alright, my bad. Lil' ... creature? I don't know, whatever floats your boat." Vampire Cookie chuckled.

"Well, that's all well and good, but... what do we get out of this?" Licorice Cookie asked.

"You want to keep this castle, right?" Vampire Cookie asked, his voice oozing with playful sarcasm. "Don't want the dragon to plow it to rubble?"

"... correct?" Licorice Cookie replied, cautiously.

"Great!" Vampire Cookie started. "Besides, it'll just be a short truce. Don't think Dark Enchantress Cookie would mind you guys being gone a few days, right? Saving the castle and all that? Besides, if everything happens, we'll take the fall for you guys! It'll be fine!"

Licorice Cookie looks offended, stepping back, covering his mouth with his sleeve. "'Wouldn't mind'?! She'll have us crumbled!"

"She's been... with red velvet... for quite some... time..." Poison Mushroom Cookie added, looking at Licorice Cookie.

"Yeah, little buddy!" Vampire cookie smiled. "Besides, the whole 'Saving the Castle' business... I think she'd prefer you guys making sure the castle doesn't fall than, y'know, being in said castle 24/7, right?"

"I don't see why not... I suppose..." Licorice Cookie said, thinking, before thumb-pointing to the castle. "But shouldn't we-"

Licorice Cookie looks around, before noticing the other cookies had already left. "Hey, wait for me!" he shouted as he followed them.

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