13.1 Council

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"Are you ready?" Finley asks.

I peer through the glare of sunlight towards the meadow. Am I ready to lie to the Huntsmen council? Sure, any day of the week.

What I'm dreading is telling them the truth.

Despite the simplicity of the plan, Finley's promises feel like a flimsy shield against the council. It feels like I've spent my whole life trying to get away from them. But today I'm trying something different.

I nod. I'm ready.

I crush the grass under my sandals and hear Finley just a half step behind.

The council cluster around a table, half lazing back in chairs, half huddled over papers. Josef looks up from his deck chair as we enter, his fist tightening on the arm. So he still hates me then. For what? Bewitching Finley?

I cross the distance quickly, taking in the other Huntsmen eavesdropping from the meadow behind the council. Percival hovers over the table, his wrinkles dancing to the depth of his squint. The man with the long white beard, stands to the back, head bobbing like he's listening to imaginary music.

I glance around at the rest of them, but their faces blur together, a bunch of old men, red faced and suntanned. Well I know where they get those tans, if they hold every meeting outdoors like this.

"Nada Reynolds." The man sitting behind the desk starts. His Mediterranean features make him look younger than he probably is.

"The day's already been long, so let's get on with it shall we?"

I glance at Josef, who's lounging in his chair like it's a throne. Isn't he the master of ceremonies? Or is he too good for that now?

"First up is the accusation of attempted murder." The man behind the desk continues. "Did you try to kill the warden Tobias?"

I narrow my eyes, heart pumping even though I know what to say.

"No." I whisper.

I suppose I did, though didn't I? Macie had told me to hadn't she? And I'd been going to...

Finley's arm brushes mine, bringing me back to the present. Focus.

"Mhm," the secretary says, jotting something down. "But it was you who stabbed Tobias with the swiss army knife?"

I gulp back spit. "Yes." Focus.

"Mhm." Is the only response I get. "And where did you stab him?"

"In the thigh." I reply, taking note of the murmurs moving through the bystanders. I look worriedly at Finley. Should they be asking so many questions? What's happening?

"Where there any other witnesses?" The man asks. I whip my gaze back to the table.

"Witnesses... No." I lie, remembering Lily's horrified eyes. I swallow again, trying to figure out what's wrong with my throat.

"Well then." The secretary straightens a stack of papers. "I think that's that."

I don't have time to breathe a sigh of relief before Josef interrupts.

"You're not even going to ask her why she did it?" Josef half rises on the arm of his chair.

"I think we all know the answer to that, but please Miss Reynolds?" The secretary gestures to me.

"It was self-defence." Another truth. It doesn't manage to pull a reaction out of me. Not because I think they'll believe me, but because I have no control over it. As soon as I stepped into the meadow I accepted this would be my only defence.

The man with the long beard hobbles over to the desk.

"It's alright, this isn't a cross examination." The old man winks at me. "Continue with the agenda, Hart"

The secretary wipes sweat of his brow and sighs. "More questions, unfortunately. I assume you've never changed forms before?"

I blink at him dumbly.

"You've never shape-shifted before, even in a small way?"

I shake my head.

"And it started when the wardens entered the house, correct?"

I nod and mumble, "Just after yeah."

"And do you know any other reason you might have shifted? An amulet? Some fey artefact?"

I shake my head. "I only had what I was wearing... Did you ask Darcell all this too?"

"Mhm." Nods the man. That boy is a mystery.

"It's like I said." The man with the white beard says. "This is the miracle we've been waiting for. This is what Emery is always yapping about. We've got to keep our eyes open for new revelations."

The man behind the table coughs. "So all that's left is to decide what to do with you. As Rivers has said previously we can't put you back in Seven, but you're not exactly Huntsmen either...?"

He looks at me like I might offer a solution. I frown.

"What about a probationary period?" Finley asks, "Six months to allow her to train, settle in and see if her talent manifests again."

"Seems reasonable." Nods the secretary. "And I know more than one Huntsman who's be happy to sponsor her," he peers up at the man with the white beard. "So the formality hardly seems necessary."

Josef's hand slaps against the arm of his chair. "Have you all forgotten that this girl instigated an escape a little over a week ago?"

"You expect us to blame her for that?" The secretary returns dryly.

"Yes. No matter what 'miracle' occurred on Friday, she has had every chance to come into the fold..."

"Oh give it a rest Josef." The secretary interrupts, "She's just one girl. She won't get far with Finley and the rest of us watching her anyway."

I blink at the rest of the council. They look bored and hot, but they're nodding. I'm surprised. They agree with the old man Rivers over Josef.

The secretary shuffles some papers and slides them under a book. He's clearly believes the matter settled.

"So I guess while we're on the subject of the Seveners..." The secretary continues, his eyes resting meaningfully on me over a new sheaf of paper.

The other council members slowly turn their gazes to me too. Now they look accusing?

"Off you go. Find someplace to be useful." Josef prompts, waving me away like I'm some bad odour.

I gape at the wardens loitering around the meadow listening. So they don't have to leave, but I'm not allowed to hear the next lot of decisions.

"Its fine," Finley whispers, though the words are just for the benefit of the council. I can hear him just as clearly inside my head. "I'll tell them what we talked about."

This is ridiculous. I glare at the council. No sympathy there.

I open my mouth to argue, but Josef's eyes gleam in triumph at the sight. So I dig a hole in the grass as I whirl to leave. I fume my way out of the meadow.

I should be there. They're discussing my friends... my people.

Shh, I hear Finley trying to calm me. Two conversations at once remember?

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