27.1 Recon

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I feel like Cinderella when I wake to the smell of smoke again the next morning. With dead eyes I'd washed up a good chunk of the cooking mess last night and then collapsed into twitchy, unreal dreams.

But today's the day. The thought of escape is like a shot of adrenaline straight to my brain. I roll from the bed, head starting to spin from everything I've got to do.

First things first, I chase Tanja out of the kitchen.

"Go keep an eye on Finley for me." I order and slump down at the kitchen table. I stare morosely into the empty cereal box for a minute.

"It's all good. She only burnt the mudpies this time." Beth explains as she opens the oven to the smell of burning swamp. I cough and stagger to the kitchen window, leaning over the sink to reach it.

"And where's the real food?" I choke out.

"I think there's milk over at the musketeers place."

"And clean this place, would you?" I tell Beth as I make a run for the door. Josie and Fern are sitting on the only table in their bungalow, snacking on dry cereal.

"Gimme that." I say in greeting, grabbing the box before they wolf the last of it. With one hand I find the promised skerrick of milk and fetch a fork, the only clean utensil from a drawer. I sit down at the table and dig into a well deserved breakfast.

"So what's the plan boss?" Asks Fern.

"Find Amy," I garble around a mouthful of cereal, "And then find that damn key."

I wipe a dropped cornflake off the table and put it into my mouth, swallowing the whole mushy load.

"Dress sneaky." I advise, trying not to frown too hard at Fern's holographic sneakers. The girls grin, eyes starting to sparkle with expectation.

I wolf down the last of my cereal while they change and I then dash back into my bedroom to dress. Nothing suspicious of course; just a dark grey block T-shirt and brownish green shorts, but when you remember the Huntsmen's strange interest in pastels and whites, all three of us are practically wearing camo.

Macie catches us at the entrance to the Warrior Circle.

"So, good news." She hails us, shifting a cardboard box onto her hip. "Penny and Liza can come to the sleepover as well." She winks and I try not to cringe as a woman behind Macie catches my eye and nods politely. Busy Norgara is an annoying Norgara.

Macie bounces the box on her hip and checks out the street behind her. Another couple of Huntsmen are walking past now so she lowers her voice a tad.

"Penny's not going to be keen on the whole schedule tonight, but I won't let her miss out."

The whole schedule meaning the escape part. She's not going to want to leave her beloved Henry behind forever. But Macie has other plans. She's frowning now, an expression that looks strange her sunny face. I'm not sure what the right call is here. Do we take Penny or not? And do we tell her first?

"Are you about to do something crazy?" Macie crashes through my thoughts, and I try to keep my expression innocent.

"No, why would you ask that?" I reply and Josie, stretching out her shoulders on my left me, quickly drops her arms into a casual I'm-not-preparing-for-a-heist pose. If such a thing exists.

"Hmm..." Macie hums and gives us an intense visual evaluation. "No reason. You just naturally look dodgy I guess." She shrugs and takes her box up before her again.

"I'll catch you later." Macie says, leaving us.

The two musketeers and I try to blend into the crowd, but I find someone looking at me in every group we pass. It must be the legend, I think, and press my forearm harder into my stomach. I had forgotten to flip the switch this morning, so if anyone wants to see the warrior mage's mark this morning they'll be sorely disappointed. I'll have to remember to switch the lights on as soon as I'm alone.

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