The Dark Moon // 01

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"This doesn't seem so bad." Stiles starts as he, Lydia and Maria walk through a Mexican town. "Stiles, this place gives me the heebie-jeebies." Maria responds, causing Lydia to step closer to the girl on instinct. "It's not the town it's the plan" Lydia says as she places a hand on the younger girls back as an act of comfort for them both.

"What's wrong with the plan?" Stiles questions Lydia as he too steps closer the the girls. "Stiles. This could be the stupidest plan we've ever come up. You're aware of that, right?" Lydia counters as the trio continue moving through the town.

Stiles gives Lydia a brief glance before responding, "I'm aware it's not our best." "We are going to die" Lydia says, causing the young girl between the two to take a sharp intake of breath. Maria speaks up, "Are you saying that as a banshee? or..." stiles finishes her sentence for her as he adds, "...or you're just being pessimistic?"

Lydia looks to the younger girl before looking up to stiles and responding, "I'm saying it as a person who doesn't want to die." Maria clicks and points at Lydia before turning to stiles. "I agree with Lyds on that one Stiles."

Stiles gives the younger girl a playful glare before speaking to Lydia once again. "Okay. Would you just mind restricting any talk of death to actual banshee predictions?"

Lydia and Maria look at one another as they both sigh. "This plan is stupid and we're all gonna die."

"Oh thank you"


The trio reached a door with two men stood in front of it. Lydia steps forward a little as she begins to speak Spanish, but the only word Maria got was 'fiesta'.

The men shake their heads as if denying access as Stiles pulls a card out of his pocket. He shows the men the card and they motion to a camera behind them. Stiles holds the card up to the camera and the door clicks. The men move aside as the three walk through an entry way leading to a party.

"I'm going to find one of the others." Maria says as she begins to walk toward the crowd of people. Lydia pulls her back and quickly hugs the girl as she says a quick 'be careful'. Stiles repeats what Lydia said in a more playful way, knowing once she found one of the others she would be fine.

Maria turned and headed into the crowd as Lydia sighed and let Stiles lead her over to the bar.

Maria was looking everywhere but was fighting a losing battle against the sea of partygoers until she felt someone grab the sleeve of her jacket. She almost swung her arm to punch the person until she realised it was Malia and she let out a sigh of relief instead. Malia, sensing the girls sudden speeding heartbeat, apologised quickly before giving the girl a comforting smile.

"God Malia, you scared the crap out of me."

"Sorry but i saw you struggling...And going in the wrong direction too. You would've been there for a while."

"Thanks. Where's Kira?"

As Maria said this, Kira sped over to the two and quickly embraced the girl.

The girls look around and Maria fills them in on what's happening with Lydia and Stiles as the other two fill her in on where her brother, Scott, is as Maria turns and waves at him briefly to see him just about to leave. He waves back quickly as Kira speaks up, "something's happening..."

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