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Maria sighed as Rafael looked away, uncomfortable by her discreet glaring as he shifted his focus onto 'Miguel'.

He cleared his throat as he began, "so, uh, Miguel... what did you say your last name was again?" Maria rolled her eyes before shifting her focus downward, onto her food that hadn't been touched - save for when she had been mindlessly moving her fork around.

Stiles quickly cut in after looking to see Derek opening his mouth, "oh, it's Juarez...Cinqua...Tiago..."

Rafael looks to Stiles a disbelieving look on his face as Dereks face contorts showing his obvious amusement and Maria smiled inwardly, still hoping the ground would swallow her to get out of this situation. "That's a mouthful. How do you spell that?" Came Rafael's response as he shot Stiles a challenging look.

Stiles, his stare never wavering, answered "Phonetically."

Breaking the twos gazes, Derek spoke up after seeing Rafael's FBI badge, "Mr. McCall, you're an FBI agent?"

Stiles and Maria - knowing where this was going looked at eachother quickly before Stiles cut in once more, "He's low level."

Maria decided to add in, "very low level, he doesn't even have a voice..." causing Rafael to look at her with an unreadable expression. Stiles looked at her in amusement as Derek spoke up again.

"So, do you investigate murders?" He looked mildly intrigued. Maria shot Stiles a 'what the fuck' look as Rafael answered once more, "Sometimes. If it's a federal crime."

Derek looked thoughtful, "What about fires?"

Maria and Stiles shared a panicked look as Stiles anxiously spoke up, "Oh, my god...I wonder where Scott is. Shouldn't Scott be here by now?" Maria shared his look as she grabbed her phone, "We should call Scott..."

Her sentence was left ignored as she sighed. Derek paid them no mind as Rafael responded with a questioning look, "What kind of fires are you talking about?"

"Do you know anything about the Hale fire?" Derek spoke as he shot a side glance to Stiles, who was sharing a panicked look with Maria.


As the trio were rushing upstairs, Rafael called Maria back and waited for Stiles and Derek to move.

Once he was sure they couldn't eavesdrop, he turned back to his daughter who looked at him with a deadpanned look, "what..?"

He sighed, "is that really what you think of me 'low level'..?"

She sighed as she looked around before returning her gaze to Rafael, "in what context? As an agent, or as a dad?" She shot him a pointed look, "...I'd say it's a yes to both."

She turned to move and he grabbed her arm, stopping her as she swung around, yanking her arm from his grip, "don't touch me, you haven't been here. You show up claiming you care and all of a sudden expect me to act like you're my dad?"

"Yes. I do Mar because I am your dad!" He responded, getting progressively louder. Maria was sure Stiles and Derek could hear from upstairs. "Oh, sorry I'm not sure since you left before I could really get an image! I don't care that you 'came back', I care that you left us to begin with!" She shouted in his face as he looked angry, "And don't call me 'Mar'...you don't get to do that."

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