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By the time the group had all gone to the animal clinic, Maria was exhausted. Of course, her werewolf abilities didn't stop her from getting tired. She wished she could've gone with them but Scott, being the brother he is, told her she couldn't .

She entered the house after watching the jeep drive away. With a last wave to Lydia, Kira and Malia, she closed the door behind her, unaware of her dad sleeping in the next room. "ugh..." she stopped where she was and, like a deer in headlights, slowly turned to look at her dad. The relationship between the father and daughter was strained after his absence and he wanted to be an actual father to her, not that she was entirely interested, she was always a mama's girl.

"Maria...?" Rafael called out quietly, expecting a worded response. He was met with silence as he squinted through the darkness, and again throughout the light as a sudden brightness overcame him, he switched on the lamp. "What time is it?"

Maria turned around the clock as she responded, "oh-uh... around 11:30..." Her voice was hesitant but Rafael didn't notice, Maria had always been on the quieter side. 'of course he didn't question any further' was her initial thought as he rolled over and went back to sleep, not before muttering a barely distinguishable "night..." She rolled her eyes slightly as she made her way upstairs, more careful as she didn't want to disturb her mom.

As she closed her bedroom door, she let out a sigh. She was actually grateful her dad hadn't questioned further considering she could've fallen asleep on the floor right by her door. She quickly peeled off her clothes and put on her pyjamas before she climbed into bed. Just as she drifted into sleep, she heard a loud crash downstairs. She was calmed at the voice that followed as she heard Scott.

She heard his footsteps and the last thing she heard and felt before she went to sleep was a kiss on the side of her head and a quiet "goodnight Mar.."


The next morning, Maria awoke at her usual time and showered, brushed her teeth, dressed and did her hair. She went downstairs to see her mom. "Is he..." Maria began, not wanting any kind of interaction between herself and Rafael this morning. To her delight, her mom shook her head and smiled at her. Maria let out a sigh of relief and grabbed an apple before side-hugging her mom.

She headed to the door, passing by Scott who greeted her, "Good morning." She responded the same as she waited for him to grab his bag and exit. She stayed behind as he left on his bike. Once Kira arrived to take her to school, she called out to her mom, "Bye mom, Love you!"

She got in Kira's car and they drove to school. They passed Scott and Stiles just before Maria parted. She left them with a final sentence, "If anything happens, please tell me... And come get me, I can't just--up and leave..." she trailed off towards the end, sheepishly.

Scott and Stiles both agreed as she walked away. She got to her first class and sat in her seat, waiting for her friend Mason to get there. The two had met over summer break before freshman year and had clicked.

Her friend got there just in time, bringing a blonde kid with him. Maria's brows furrowed at Mason, who smiled sheepishly in response. Her look never faltered, particularly when the blonde kid stopped moving and looked at her with an unreadable expression. The teacher called for them to sit down as the blonde boy did just that. It became immediately apparent that everyone else had already been introduced to this new boy as he didn't need an introduction or anything. 'how much school have I missed...' she thought.

Around twenty minutes into the class, Maria could feel eyes burning into the side of her head as she blatantly ignored them, not caring much for the attention. Just as she thought of the attention she was receiving, she got even more as the door burst open and a frantic Scott and Stiles appeared. They paused, realising what they just did as Stiles stood up straight clearing his throat.

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