The Dark Moon // 02

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The group were stood outside now, beside the jeep as Scott and Araya stood a few feet away talking. Lydia was stood to Maria's left and Stiles was stood to her right as they watched the conversation between the hunter and the alpha. Maria turned to Lydia to check she was okay after she was left alone with the woman.

"Im fine Mar, it's okay."

"Okay Lyds, i believe you, but she scares me." Maria said with a dramatic shudder, emphasising how 'scared' she was.
Stiles decided to join the conversation. "Stop being so dramatic", he said while lightly nudging her shoulder.

Maria glared playfully before diverting her gaze to her older brother. "Can they hurry up?" She asked, exasperation clear in her voice. Scott must've heard that one as he half-turned his head, signalling her to shut up. "Rude" Maria huffed as she looked to Malia to see the girls already looking at her, grinning. The two seemed to be having their own conversation in their heads until Stiles nudged Maria once more and motioned his head in Scott's direction. He was finally coming back towards the group.

"So, what now?" Stiles started. "She thinks she knows where we can find Derek." Scott replied looking straight at him. Malia joined, "she's gonna tell us where?" There was a brief pause as Scott replied again "Uh, actually, she's giving us a guide."

Stiles spoke up as the 'guide' arrived. "You know her?" "Braeden" "who's Braeden?"
"A mercenary." Lydia joined. Braeden then spoke. "Right now, I'm the only one who's gonna take you to La Iglesia."

"The church?" Lydia responded, seemingly the only one to get it, or to bother translating.

Stiles looked confused on why Derek 'the sour wolf' Hale was at a church. "What's 'the church'?"

Braeden sighed as she surveyed the group. "It's not a place you'll find God."


The group are on the road again as the six squeeze into Stiles' jeep, Maria (being the smallest) is sat on Lydia's lap with her legs draped across Kira's and Malia's legs.

Malia leaned forward, initiating conversation to be rid of the awkward silence lingering. "okay, I'll ask...who's Kate Argent?" Maria looked to Lydia, who looked right back at her, giving her a reassuring look, letting her know she didn't have to talk about it.

Kira, being sat in the middle, pulled Malia back slightly, quietly speaking up. "uh, I'd like to know too..."

She was left unanswered for a few second before Stiles spoke, "well, we were at her funeral, so I'd like to know how she got out of a casket that was buried six feet underground." His tone was deadpanned, as if he was the only one that was thinking of the logical questions.

"she was never in it" Scott spoke, coming to a sudden realisation, as he looked in the mirror seeing his sister leaned slightly forward with a calculating gaze on her face.

Maria was pulled out of her trance by Lydia, who spoke after releasing a sigh, "she was Allison's aunt...and a total sociopath." Malia looked on with furrowed brows as Kira grew somewhat sympathetic, speaking to Scott directly as she said "you don't have to talk about it now if you don't want to..."

Malia looked at her incredulously before training her eyes on Scott, "um, yes, he does!"

Scott released a sigh as he glanced to his sister once more, "yeah, she's right. You guys should know." he stopped, thinking over what to say, "you need to know."

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