Chapter 9

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Akeno:"Please stop Lord Lucifer, Rias! He doesn't mean any harm!"

Sirzechs:"I apologize, Akeno. But that 'thing' is a very dangerous being that can wipe out the entire Devil race. Now please move."

Akeno:"I promise you, he wouldn't do such a thing!"

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Akeno:"I promise you, he wouldn't do such a thing!"

Akeno:"I promise you, he wouldn't do such a thing!"

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Rias:"Akeno, step aside!"

Serafall:"He will only pose a threat to us in the near future. It's a good thing Rias and Sona told us he would be here, better to deal with him now than never."
(Don't hate them, if an unstoppable being was capable of destroying anything then anyone would do what must be done.)

Y/n:'Fuck sake...'

Akeno:"Rias?" Unable to process what one of the Great Satans had just told her, she starred at her best friend in confusion. Rias met eye-to-eye but immediately broke off eye contact and looked away.

Y/n:'I told you not to hurt her and yet you did just that, Little Red.'

Y/n:"Look, I ain't here to hurt nor kill anyone. Unless I find you guilty of sin or anything of the such then you will be my target, no exceptions made. I'm only here to visit Akeno, nothing more nothing less." Finding his explanation reasonable enough to believe, Sirzechs trusted him because of his actions during the war long ago.

Sirzechs:"I see, then I'm sorry to have acted out upon your arrival. Sera, calm down but stay on your guard."

Serafall:"Yeah, yeah, I know." Both of them relaxed a bit and went to sit down on one of the couches in the middle of the room. Y/n did the same as to not cause anymore tension or bad blood between them.

Y/n:"Before we discuss anything, I would like to say that your sister there ended up hurting mine. Now, if it were up to me, I'd administer proper punishment to her but under these circumstances I'm afraid that's impossible. So, as brother-to-brother, I'm sure you can find a way to punish her as she ratted me out and betrayed her supposed 'best' friend." Rias slouched over in her seat when Sirzechs looked her way. In order to avoid the Rider's wrath, he agreed on proper punishment when he deemed it necessary.

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