Chapter 16

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Y/n:"Did you get everything you needed?"

Akeno:"Yes, but I don't get why we have to move from here. It's been our home for a long time."

Y/n:"It's for your safety, I don't want you to be in a place where the enemy knows you live at. I can't risk that."

Akeno:"But..." She started to tear up because they were now being forced to leave ever since their discovery by Nightmare and Isabella. Y/n noticed she was crying and went over to comfort her with a hug.

Y/n:"I know how you feel, I don't want to leave our home either but it's for the best."

Akeno:"But mother...she's still buried atop the mountain. We..we can't leave her like that."

Y/n:"She'll be with us wherever we go, trust me."

Akeno:"Where will I go?"

Y/n:"I had a chat with a friend of ours, you might hate me for putting you there but it is necessary."

Akeno:"What? Who did you talk to?"

Y/n:"You'll see."



Y/n:"Wait, Akeno!"


Suzaku:"Please Akeno, they mean no harm anymore. Ever since I've become the head of the clan, things have changed around here. I understand the past is something hard to let go but I swear to you, I won't let anything bad happen to you."

The place where Y/n brought Akeno really hit her with a great mixture of emotions. The Himejima clan's temple in Kyoto, now run by Suzaku after Suou's death not long ago. The only place where Blackheart and his companions may not be able to track his only weakness down. Kyoto is filled with spiritual power making it tough to locate a specific person. Akeno would have to teleport to and from school as to not get ambushed or kidnapped.

Akeno:"Still, that doesn't change the fact that there are men here that killed my mother!"

Y/n:"Akeno, stop it! I brought you here in hopes of keeping you safe from my enemies. They know if they can get their hands on you then I'll be forced to do their bidding. Nightmare would have his way with you while everyone just watches! I will not allow anything bad happen to you, I swore to mom that I'll keep you safe even if it costs me my life! If someone tries anything against you, I'll deal with them. The Himejima clan is well versed on who I am, my reputation serves me well in times like these. So you will stay here until I deal with the threats at hand, understood?" She started to understand his way of thinking and calmed down.

Akeno:"Then...then if everything goes back to normal, can we go back home?"

Y/n:"That's the plan, but right now I just need you to cooperate with me. You can trust Suzaku, she's family too."

Suzaku:"Absolutely, if you need anything then don't hesitate to ask. If anyone in the clan hurts you with words or physically, let me know." 

Akeno:"I there a room that I can stay in? I want to collect my thoughts right now."

Suzaku:"Come with me, you'll be staying with me in my room." She stood aside and started to lead the way to her room. Y/n was about to give her a goodbye hug but she stuck her hand out.

Akeno:"Please...not now. I appreciate you caring for me but...this place just brings back bad memories. I'm sorry brother, I want time alone." She walked away with Suzaku, leaving him behind in the main room.

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