077 ; surprise, i'm moving in!

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lupin had, unfortunately, resigned. leaving a new spot for another defence against the dark arts teacher to fill.

and, you would now be living with the dursleys'. harry had remembered he had said that to you and apologised, saying he was too caught up with living with sirius he had entirely forgotten he'd said that.

well, technically you still hadn't asked them yet. they had no idea they would be getting a new person in the house by the time you got off the train, and harry said he would make sure they didn't have much of a choice.

you look out the train window as you start to reach the station, it had been so long since you'd lived in a proper house. 

saying goodbye to ron and hermione as you all hope off the train you turn to harry, "are you sure i'm allowed to stay?"

he nods.

you just nod back.

"we need to go through to the muggle station cause they refuse to come over on this side" he rolls his eyes.

you smirk slightly and you both run through the wall, you see the same little family you had seen at the end of your first year. they barely looked any different, only that the boy looked just a bit older.

you stroll over again, himiko was lying over your shoulder and you had a single trunk with the minimal stuff you owned.

they didn't look too pleased to see harry, "you're lucky they were able to get marge back, you little brat"

you lean over, "was that your aunt?" you whisper, he nods.

their gaze turns to you, "what are you doing here again? shoo!"

you grimace, but put on a sweet smile.

"well, i'm going to be staying with you! and you have no choice" you smile.

the man goes to detest but a long glare right into his soul sets him right, he coughs nervously, "whatever, but you do not touch anything!"

you grin again, "okie dokie!"

the boy hadn't even seemed to notice they'd picked you and harry up, he was distracted by a game or something.

they lead you over to a car, the boy got in first, you sat next to him so that harry wouldn't have to, and harry sat next to you.

it seemed the boy had finally noticed your presence because he backed up a bit, "mummy! i don't want to sit next to harry's freak friend!"

you roll your eyes.

"you heard him, move over!"

you deadpan, "what the fuck you want me to do? sit on the roof?"

the woman fumes, "young lady! how dare you use that language in my household!"

you look around, "huh? are we in a house? i thought we were in a car"

both adults were going red in the face as harry looks at you in bewilderment.

"what would your parents think of this behaviour?!" the woman shouts.

you shrug, "i dunno, would you go seven feet under for me and ask them?"

everyone went silent, with the two adults fuming in the front the male finally starts the car and drives off.

you turn to harry with a smile, "what lovely people"

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words ; 549

date posted ; 20/04/22


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