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warning: bad words?? idk i got yelled at once for using bad words in my write so if that offends you, be warned that they're in here.
also, dark death ahead
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The first thing (Y/N) noticed was the music, a raucous cacophony so overwhelming she thought to leave. Then, the swarm of demons and monsters crammed into the hall, chatting loudly and sipping blood red wine. (Y/N) wondered how many of them had been at the fire. She wondered how many of them knew an innocent man had been killed; that a murderer danced among them.

She tightened her grip on Bill's hand as nausea washed over her. Her eyes skimmed the room for anyone out of place, but it was a room full of tricksters and deceivers – if anyone wasn't supposed to be there, it was her.

"Hey, kid, you're fine," Bill squeezed her hand reassuringly.

He stood tall and proud, even as heads began to turn towards them. In his finely tailored, gold and black suit, he looked more like royalty than (Y/N) ever would. She wondered how he could be so calm.

She felt his magic pass over her.

"Like I said, I'm right here,"

(Y/N) wanted to tell him to stop charming her. But then she looked at the eyes on her and couldn't find the courage. She needed his help to get through the evening.

"Thank you," she said, loud enough for only him to hear.

Her mother stood at the other end of the room on a high platform. Her gown was a deep black that seemed to swallow up the light, but her smile as she regarded (Y/N) was bright as ever. With a careful wave of her hand the music quieted.

"Her Royal Grace," Xoggin's voice echoed around the room. (Y/N) fought the urge to cover her ears. "Princess (Y/N),"

She wished he hadn't spoken.

Slowly, so unsure, (Y/N) descended the steps. Even with Bill's magic, she felt herself trembling. She was grateful he was beside her, even if to just hold her up.

As she moved people bowed with a reverence she never knew. These would be her subjects – people she had to rule. And among them someone who wanted her dead. Someone who killed a father and his daughter in cold blood. Someone who destroyed Mani until there was nothing left.

I can't do this she wanted to say, but the words were caught in her throat.

She felt Bill's magic again, then a rush of calm.

"We're sneaking away first chance we get," she told him.

"I wouldn't expect anything less,"

They reached her mother's platform, ascended the steps, where the queen embraced (Y/N). Then, she addressed the crowd. "Let the festivities begin!"

Another wave of her hand began the discordance again. Shouts of approval rang out from the crowd and just like that, everyone seemed to forget (Y/N) was there. She was relieved for it.

"Oh, my dear you are beautiful," The queen took (Y/N) in; her hair, her dress. She almost looked tearful. "I am so very happy with you. And your father would be too,"

It was almost a shock to hear her speak of him. "Thanks, Mom,"

"And, your friends have arrived!"

"My friends?" (Y/N) had forgotten her mother's promise to bring Monty and the others into the Nightmare Realm. She wished she hadn't bothered. "But – what about the culprit, it's dangerous—"

"I assure you they are safe. If not a bit overwhelmed. Shall I bring you to them?"

But she didn't have to. As soon as she asked, (Y/N) was nearly pushed to the ground with a hug. She found a mound of dark curls in her face as they spoke, "Thank god you're alright,"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2022 ⏰

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