Chapter 4: More than one

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Y/n's pov

It's been somedays after the Musashi incident, and me and Jyugo have never been closer. But the more I'm with him the more I miss the others in cell 13.

"Jyugo, I think I'm Polysexual" I said as we chilled outside "huh? what's that?" He asked curiously "It means I can be in love with more than one person at once" I said and he seemed shocked

"so... you love somebody else?" he asked "yes, but I still love you! I-I think... we all should be a couple" I said and he seemed even more shock and confused.

"who are they?" He asked "Nico, Uno and Rock" I said "no one else?" he asked a bit relived. "who would that be? I only know you guys" I said "Musashi?" he asked

"oh god no, not after what he did. He was so rude!" I said crossing my arms and Jyugo chuckled, giving me a smooch. 

"so you okey with them?" I asked and he nodded. "I actually have liked them for awhile now" He said and it made me happy. "hope they feel the same" I said and we went back to our cell.

When we went inside everyone was doing what they usually did. "hey, guys. me and Jyugo wanna ask you something" I asked and we go their attention.

I held Jyugos hand and took a deep breath. "we like you guys! or not like, but we love you. eh- more than friends that is" I said unsure how to tell them.

"I like you guys too!" Uno said with a blush. "me too!" Nico said. "I like you guys more than food!" Rock said and I smiled.

"so are we cell 13 the couple now?" Uno asked and we all laughed. We all decided to hug and cuddle now that all the feelings was out.

I have never been happier than now, I wonder if this will last forever. After all we all are stuck here.

"I love you guys" I said "we love you too" they all said at once with big happy smiles. 'I couldn't ask for a better happy ever after' I thought and shut my eyes...

Thank you all for supporting this fanfic to the end!






the end?

Suddenly the door get's kicked in by no other than Hajime. "what the actual fuck is going on here?!" he yelled

Seriously now, Thank you for reading this horrible grammar fanfic! I appreciate you guys a lot, I will start more fanfics soon or my acct. I have one up now, Dabi x reader. check it out if you into it! thanks again!! 

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