Chapter 2: the month that felt like years

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Y/n's pov

I had extreme training with no breaks and every time I made Yamato lost and snuck away Hajime always was there.

"Please make this stop!!!" I yelled as I made push ups "I wasn't made for this...." I said while anime cried

"Ha-ha-ha what's the matter? Nothing is more refreshing than a big workout in the morning!" Yamato said

"I will push your ha-ha-ha up your ass!! I hate this!!" I said clearly in pain "and it's too fucking early for this shit!!" I yelled once again

Jyugo's pov

"She seems not to be happy about the workout" Uno said and laughed a bit "she hates workout  and training..." I said 

"You sure know her well" Uno said with a grin "yeah, she's was my first friend and we are pretty close so it's quiet obvious that I know her" I said

"You two would be a cute couple~" Uno said teasefully and I punched him "we're just friends!" I yelled at him, 'damn it hurt to say that..' I thought 

"Then I guess I can take her then" Uno said with a smirk "lay one finger on her and you will have a missing  finger" I threatened him

He looked at me terrified "I won't touch her! I promise!! Just don't cut my beautiful finger off" Uno said while crying.

                                                   ~~timeskip a month~~

Y/n's pov

I walked inside the cell and directly fell, luckily Jyugo caught me. "I... need....a... milkshake" I said smiled of the thought of milkshake in my mouth...

"Yamato really broke her..." Jyugo said "I'm fine.." I said and stood up "hey Y/n, wanna watch some anime with me?" Nico asked and I of course said yes.

"Guess you leaving me alone again.." Jyugo said "no, you can come too" I said smiling and dragged him to the tv.

Nico sat down, but Uno and Rico was in the way so only one could sit in front of the tv. "I guess i sit in your lap then" I said to Jyugo and he nodded with a blush

"You're so cute when you are blushing haha" I said smiling at Jyugo "I-I'm not blushing!" He said as I sat down on his lap. I then after awhile I somehow fell asleep

Jyugo's pov

'She's so cute while sleeping... hey! Stop being a creep!' I thought and looked away from Y/n... but it was so hard, she's so pretty and cute... she's perfect.

'I love you Y/n... if I only could confess to you...' 

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