Chapter 3: Who the fuck is Musashi?!

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Y/n's pov

I woke up with pain everywhere... "damn you Yamato!" Said with a threatening voice. "You seems mad" Uno said with a smirk

"One more word out of your mouth and I promise to kill you painfully" I said glaring at him "is she always like this?" Rock ask Jyugo a bit scared

"Pretty much" Jyugo asked and I grabbed him by he's collor "take that back! I'm so kind and sweet!!" I said

"Yeah, when you're not angry" he said and i let go of him and took 3 deep breaths. "Sorry Uno for threatening you and sorry Jyugo for grabbing you.... I'm such an ass" i said

"Yeah, you are" Jyugo "you wasn't supossed to agree you stupid Baka!" I said loud and cossed my arms.

Then suddenly he hugged me from behind and whispered in my ear "I'm sorry Y/n.. it's just funny to tease you" I blushed madly at how close we was and the whispering

"I-It's fine..." I said and stuttered a bit. Then a large bang was heard, the door had swung open "shut the hell up! You punks are so fucking loud" Hajime complained then walked away.

"Awww man, we woke the gorilla" I said and giggled at my bad joke. Surprisely they laughed "the fuck you laughing about?!" I asked, but they didn't answer.

"Damn you guys.." I mumbled with a small smile "Heeeeey!!" A loud voice was heard, problamly so loud you could hear it miles away.

"Ya'll got a guest!" A guy said as he went inside our sell "and hajime told us to shut up.." i said to myself "who! I wanna know!" Nico asked excited 

"It's your favorite! Musashi!!!" He screamed out "Who the fuck is this loud annoying piece of shit and that Musashihi guy!!" I almost had to scream to overvoice the guy 

"he is Mitsuru, the guy watching cameras all day" Jyugo said " and who the fuck is Musashi!?" I asked "Well that hurts... you don't remember me y/n" A tall guy said while walking inside our cell

I looked at him and walked around him. I scanned every inch of him. "Well you do look a bit familiar.... but still not" I said

Jyugo's pov 

"Maybe you remember if I tell you this" Musashi said and whispered something in Y/n ear. I felt jealousy and anger... 'she's mine..'

Y/n then got a bright face and hugged Musashi tightly.... 'that son of a bitch!' I formed my hands to tight fists.

"Jyugo..?" Uno asked putting a hand on my shoulder. "Calm down... you can always bet the hell out of him later!" Uno said "..yeah..." I said quietly 

"I have missed you! But what the fuck happened to you?! You look like a whole new person, and what happened to you're eyes??" She asked curiously and a bit worried 

"You can thank Jyugo for that" Musashi said with a smirk. 'Damn you Musashi!' "Jyugo? Did that?" She asked and looked at me.

She then turned fast back and said "nahhh, he's too weak to do that much damage!" She said "I'm not weak!!" I said to my defense 

"Let's go Y/n, I can show you around" Musashi said smirking at me 'damn you...' after Musashi and Y/n walked away I punched the wall as hard as I could.

"I'm going to kill him!" I yelled "I'm just glad that we stopped hitting on her before we ended like that wall..." Uno said and Rico nodded in agreement 

After I let out the anger, the pain came. "Ah fuck! I think I broke my fingers!" I said in pain.

Y/n's pov

"You sure we don't need to wait for the others? We left them all.." I said with a bit of guilt "don't worry, they probably didn't want to come cause they already know this place"

We walked a bit more then Musashi suddenly stopped. "Musash-" was all I could say before he had me against the wall. "Wha-what" was all I could say.

"I wonder how angry jyugo will get if I..." Musashi mumbled with a smirk. "W-what are y-you doing?!" I said and struggled a bit.

Without hesitation he bit down on my open neck. "Ouch! You son of a-" I said and he pulled away "well I don't have time for you anymore" he said and left.

"The fuck was that about..?" I asked myself and held my neck because of the little pain. "Are you okey? And where the fuck is Musashi?!" Jyugo asked

"He.. kinda left" I said still confused "why you holding you neck?" He asked worried and a bit knowingly 

"I-.... uh..." was all I could say cause, how the fuck do you tell your bff and crush that someone bit you neck?!?!

Without hesitation he grabbed my hands so I revealed my neck. "That-" Jyugo said in anger and jealousy.

"Don't be angry... he said something about making you pissed.." I said "whatever! Did he do something else to you?" He asked worried and carrying 

"I-I'm fine... thanks Jyugo" I said and hugged him tightly, tighter than I have ever hugged anyone.

"I-I... I like you!!" I yelled out shyly. I looked at Jyugo and saw he's shocked face

"I... I like you too!" He yelled. I was shocked first then said "I meant like more than friends" I looked at the side

Jyugo the took my chin and made me look at him in the eyes "I meant like more the friends too" he said and kissed me!!!

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