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(Mention of blood and yandere-ish)

Vox pov:

After a while, I heard the screams of
Other demons around, I decided to check it out since im the Demon Lord

When I arrived there... I saw a cute boy with a purple long cloak he was covered in blood but it wasn't his... It was demon blood he was a Demon slayer but I couldn't handle it I never felt this passionate about someone I wanted him to be MINE. so I did the only thing logical and kidnapped him :)
I tied him to a chair and waited for him to wake up. he was so cute

   Shoto's pov:

I felt my headache and when I opened my eyes, I saw a demon! IDK who he was he looked at me kinda a weird why didn't he kill me already? "What do want from me?!"

"Hello dear now now. You're mine~ so obey or I will have to do this the hard way"

"What makes you think that I belong to You"

"You do belong to me now..."

3rd person*

Vox was planning on making shot his pet his lover his one and only
As he got closer and closer wanting to
press on his cherry red soft felt lips
As he kissed him, Shoto realized what was going on but didn't stop, instead he
Stod like he loved it even if he knew it was wrong (yes this escalated too quick but that's my thing ;))

Smut on Saturday!!

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