Chapter 5

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After walking for a while, we finally begin to see lights in the distance. The lights grow, as well as the sound of a busy city. We slowly make our way to Kyoto. We finally break out of the forest and into the city. Kyoto was way larger than anything I have been in before. Everything is bright and busy. Everyone is rushing to places, even in the middle of the night.

We walk down the streets, trying to find an Inn. We scan all of the buildings, hoping to find something. After walking for what seems like forever, I hear Hattori give a little sigh.

"This is pointless..." He says pessimistically. He pushes back a strand of brown hair that had fallen onto his mask.

"We could always ask someone. They know the town better than we do." I say as I gesture to the people around us.

"We don't need to ask for directions." He grumbles.

"Apparently, we do" I say quietly.

"We don't." He says stubbornly. He takes my hand and begins to storm through the streets; set on finding it himself. I blush slightly as my hand is in his. He continues to ravage through the city for an Inn for a long time before he stops and I hear him make a breathy sound.

"Heh. I told you I would find it." He says as he lets go of my hand. I look down at my free hand. I can still feel the ghost of his hand on mine. "Come on." He walks through the front doors and straight to the receptionists desk. Hattori tells the woman at the desk the half-truth. I hear the words 'Noble's Daughter'. My Etiquette quickly changes. My back straightens, my chest puffs out slightly, I get a conceited look on my face and I act like I am above everyone else.

"Daddy? are we really better than everyone else?" I ask him one night at dinner. He looks up at me and grumbles something before speaking.

"Of course we are. We are nobles. And not only that, you are the Ninja princess." He answers.

"How can I be a princess if you and mommy aren't royalty?"

"Because the Masters choice you when you were born. It was prophecy that the Ninja princess would be born on the day of the Lunar eclipse. You were the one. It was meant to be." He says

"okay..." I say, not really understanding how it was possible, but I guess if daddy said it, it must be true.

The woman takes one look at me and nods. "It would be a pleasure for you to stay with us." She says as she bows slightly. She grabs something from under the desk and walks through a set of double doors, intending for us to follow. I glance at Hattori and he motions me to follow. I nod slightly and walk through the door. Each one of my steps is precise and powerful; as If I was walking into a war meeting. After walking down many halls, The woman stops and looks at me.

"This is the best room we have. I hope you enjoy your stay. If you need anything, we are here to assist you." She says with a polite smile. She reaches out and holds a key out for me to grab. I take the key, not offering her any sort of thanks, just like my father taught me.

The room is large, but it is nothing compared to the palace. It has a nice bathroom and a full kitchen. I walk into the bedroom portion and quickly notice a problem. There was only one bed. Great. Now I have to deal with an awkward situation. I sigh and sit down on a chair that is in the bedroom. I stare at the bed for a moment before Hattori walked into the room.

"You should sleep. You're probably tired from walking all day." Hattori says to me. I glance over at him. He leans against the wall right next to the window.

"What about you?" I ask, trying to hint at the situation.

"I don't sleep every night. I'll keep watch outside the window. Your safety is very important." He says. For a slight moment I feel like he is saying that from his heart, but he is probably only saying that because it is his job. I nod slightly and stand up. I walk over to the bed and pull down the covers. I crawl into the bed and lay down; pulling the blankets over myself.

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