Chapter 17

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"Hattori!!" I call as I walk to his room. No answer. I knock and call his name again. Ever since my father has been killed, we have been living in the palace. Its weird, living in my childhood home with Hattori. A sleepy-eyed Hattori opens the door, shirtless, and in sweatpants.

"You were sleeping, weren't you." I say, slightly disappointed. I know that's its only 11, but its lunch time. Not time to sleep.

" Of course I was sleeping." He says, I can hear the tired in his voice.

"Get some clothes on. We are going for a walk in 10 minutes." I say. I need some sun. I'm sick of Being cooped up in this palace.

"I need 15 minutes. I'm going to shower." He turns around and begins to gather fresh clothes. I walk away from the door. I wander around the palace. I have no idea what to do for 15 minutes.

14 minutes later a freshly cleaned Hattori stands in front of me. He is wearing a simple black kimono. I'm wearing my favorite red kimono with cherry blossom designs on it. Its a bit elegant for a simple outing such as a walk, but I wanted to wear it.

"Ready?" I ask him as I look up at him. Why does he have to be so much taller than me? He is probably at least a head taller than me.

"Of course." He extends his hand out towards me. I take it with a smile. Our fingers interlock as he leads me towards the door. We walk out side. He leads me down a small stone path. We are in the large garden that surrounds the house. Its a beautiful place. Its full of cherry blossom trees and other beautiful plants that are indigenous to japan. Its so peaceful here.

Hattori leads me out of the garden and into the huge meadow that is behind the palace. We walk quite always. We reach the one single tree in the middle of the meadow. Hattori quickly puts his strong arms around me and falls back onto the tall grass. I fall on top of him. I pink blush crosses my cheeks as I look at him. He wears his mask. After the fight, Hattori stayed up all night gluing the broken pieces together. the I roll off of him so I am laying in the grass beside him.

"Hattori, why do you wear that mask?" I ask him.

He sighs before answering me. "I have a demon inside of me. And when I get upset, the demon is released. I tried learning ninjutsu, to try to control it. It didn't work. The only thing that helps to control it is this mask..."

I stay silent as I process this new information. He has a demon? Is that what I saw when he saw me in the prison? Maybe I should tell him my he will find out eventually.

I sit up and look around. I felt someone's presence.

"What's wrong, Sachiko?" Hattori asks as he sits up.

"I feel like we are being watched." I say. I look around. That's when I see something small shoot through the air. It hits Hattori straight in the neck.

"Hattori!!" Hattori faints from what ever poison that coated that dart. A small red feather sticks out of Hattori's neck. I quickly pull it out. I look towards where the bullet cane from. A small group out people dressed in Samurai armor are walking towards us. I stand, trying to make myself look taller than I really am.

"Who are you and what do you want?!" I ask with authority in my voice.

"Him." The one in the front of the group points a finger at Hattori. "Now you're both coming with us." They begin to run towards me.

"I don't think so." I guess I need to use my power. "Do you know why my family is noble?!"

They stop running. "Why is your family 'Noble'?" They ask mockingly.

"Let me show you." I place my hands together. My forefingers and thumbs touching. I begin to chant, slowly and clearly. A green aura surrounds me. The earth seems to breath as I do. The samurai's just watch me. Now its time to fight.

My eyes begin to glow white as the power of my ancestors fills me. I begin to chant louder.  Gravity suddenly increases, making the Samurai's fall to the ground. I use one of my hands to make a sweeping motion across the air in front of me. The men get flung through the air and towards the forest. They land on the ground with a large thump. 

"Don't you ever come back, or I will kill you." I speak with many voices that are not my own. My ancestors speak through me, just as they give me their power. They all stand up and scramble away from here. The power quickly drains from me just as Hattori is waking up. I reach out for him right as I loose consciousness and fall onto the grass.

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