Chapter 6

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We walk to the hot springs in silence. I carefully sit on the edge of the water, letting my feet soak in the pool. Hattori leans against a wall a ways away from me. He doesn't look over at me at all. He keeps his gaze set on the ground. I sit there for quiet a while, thinking about what just happened. I finally come to a conclusion. I stand up and brush the dust off of my kimono. I look directly at him, preparing myself for what I'm about to do.

"Hattori, come here." I say in a semi-angry voice. He looks up at me. His mask covers his face like always. He walks over to me slowly, thinking he is going to get chastised.

"What you did was unacceptable." I say in a stern voice. "It was out of nowhere and was a very inappropriate thing to do to a young princess like myself."

"I'm sorry..." He says, his voice making it very clear he is upset. "I knew it wasn't a good idea..."

"I demand a redo." I say in a firm tone.

"I-I don't.....I don't understand." He says in a confused tone.

"I think you heard me just fine." I say, looking at him, trying to imagine him without his mask on again.

"I don't think I heard you correctly..." Hattori says quietly.

"Hattori," I say in a clear voice so he can hear me. "I want you to kiss me."

He stands in that one spot for what seems like an eternity. Hattori stands there, completely baffled, not saying anything.

"Or....or don't..." I say, feeling kind of stupid. I guess he doesn't like me like that. I look down, not being able to face him in my moment of stupidity.

I suddenly feel his warm fingers slightly grabbing my chin. He pushes up gently so I am looking directly at him. His mask is in his free hand, revealing his face. I can feel the heat rising to my cheeks. He leans in slowly and I do the same. I slowly raise myself onto my tippy-toes so his lips will meet mine once more.

His lips connect with mine for one divine moment. The warmth and pressure of his full lips makes my heart feel like it is melting. Who knew I would feel like this around a male. His soft lips slowly pull away from mine. I look at him; my lips parted slightly.

"How was that?" He asks with a smug smile on his face.

"Better." I say as I reach up and shove him into the water. He gasps and flails in the air for a moment before hitting the water. A moment later, he surfaces and looks at me.

"That's what you get for kissing me the first time!" I say playfully. He smiles and splashes water at me. I laugh. I feel so happy and light. I've never felt this way before in my life.

He gets out of the water and walks over to me. I watch him as he slides his mask back into position. Water drips off of his now wet clothes.

"Come on. We should start our journey." He says. I can detect his smile from his voice. "I'm going to get a towel. Why don't you go back to the room and gather your things." He says lightly.

I give him a slight nod as I turn towards the building. I begin to walk towards our room. My mind seems to dance in endorphins. Before I know it, a goofy grin has spread across my cheeks. I open the door to the room with the small key. I push open the door and something hits me. My smile drops at the same time the keys that were in my hand hits the floor. My stomach drops and it feels like I am sinking.

"Father? Arr you and mom in love?" I ask my father, who is sitting at his large desk.

"Love?" He grumbles slightly. He looks up at me through his small reading glasses. His normally blue eyes are almost a shade of magenta. "I guess you could say that."

"What do you mean?" I ask persistently. My dark blue eyes look up at him.

"Me and your mother's relationship is....confusing to say the least." His eyes suddenly seem to cloud over as his mind is visiting a memory. "But I love her. I love her very much." His eyes seem to light up slightly. " So yes, Me and Sachi where in love." He says with a warm slime plastered on his stubble covered face.

This was when my father still had some joy left in him. Mom was still alive. After mom was gone, everything changed so much...

I fall to my knees. I won't let that happen to Hattori. If my father finds out about our relationship, Hattori will be executed. I need to lie to him. I need to thoroughly break his heart.

"Hey, are you ready to go Sachiko?" He asks as he walks into the room. His stride stops when he sees me on my knees. "Sachiko? Is everything alright?"

I don't answer him. I see him set his towel on the bed in the corner of my eye. He walks over to me and kneels down. He sets his sturdy hands on my arms; his thumbs extending towards my inner elbows. This small comforting gesture only makes me feel worse. I push his hands away. I need to do it now.

" are playing is pointless." I say slightly hardheartedly.

"What game?" He asks. I can hear the sadness in his quiet, low voice.

"I can't be with you Hattori..." I say plainly as I look up at him. He expressionless mask doesn't change, but his body language does.

"What? Why not?" He asks as he backs away a little.

"When I get to the shrine, I am getting married." I lie. "I am getting married to a Noble man and this 'feud' is not helping." I say patently.

"......You're getting married?" He says in disbelief. "Your father never informed me of that..."

"I know he didn't. That is because he didn't want to risk this information getting out." I say. Lying to him is the hardest thing I have done in such a long time.

"I understand." Hattori says as he stands up; his voice showing clearly that he is feeling hurt. I guess I succeeded, but that was the worst thing I have ever done. But I did it for you, Hattori.

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