Chapter 7

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The next few days went by quickly. Hattori didn't speak a word to me, and I didn't speak to him. The silence didn't kill me too badly. In fact, it made me feel right at home. We stayed in small farming towns every night, and Hattori didn't stick around much after nightfall. During the days we endured long journeys towards the shrine. We pass beautiful flower gardens and rice fields that seem to stretch on forever, yet neither of us mention their beauty.

Today is the day I will arrive at the Hachiman Shrine. We walk down a stone path that is surrounded in large trees. The multicolored, fallen leaves crunch underneath my geta sandals. I look up to see that the path turns into a nicely paved staircase that leads up the mountain.

"Up those stairs is the shrine." Hattori says coldly. I nod slightly and continue to walk. Hearing another human voice after a few days is strange. We walk up the path until the moon is high in the sky. The plain oak trees begin to change into beautiful blooming cherry blossom trees. I see small warm light in the distance that appear to dance in the cool summer breeze. I recognize them quickly as hanging lanterns. We have arrived.

I we walk to the top of the stairs and I get a full view of the shrine. It is beautiful. The whole place is covered in lanterns that sway slightly. A few people walk in and out of the shrine, but other than that, it is silent. This is my new home.

"We have arrived, Sachiko." Hattori says quietly. For a moment, I hear a hint of sadness in his voice.

I have to sell it. Make him believe I don't care when I really do. I adjust my posture and put on my I'm-better-than-you face. I walk past him with even glancing at him. Without saying goodbye. I walk into the shrine, trying to keep myself together.

The moment I walk into my new room, I fall apart. I fall to my knees. My body feels numb as thoughts circle around my head. How could I do that? Was it worth protecting him? Tears begins to stream down my cheeks. I wipe my eyes with the sleeve of my kimono, but they don't stop coming.

I hear my door open as a familiar voice fills the room. "Hello?" I turn around to see Sasuke. What is Sasuke doing here? His expressive eye brows raise as he sees my tear-filled, red, and puffy eyes. "Oh Sachiko, you don't look so good." He walks and me and kneel in front of me. "What's wrong, my princess?" He asks in a calm and soothing voice.

"I-I lied to Hattori.." I manage to choke out over my tears.

"Sachiko, please tell me what happened." His green eyes look into mine.

"Hattori kissed me..." I said, slightly embarrassed.

"Well I figured he would. It was obvious that he had a thing going for was almost like fate. Like you two always find each other in this big mess of a world." He says, rambling off slightly. I don't understand what he is talking about.

"But you don't understand. I kissed him back. I like him Sasuke, I really really like him.....And I lied to him. I told him I was to be married at the shrine. The he shouldn't show any affection towards me anymore." I say, silent tears still gliding down my face.

"Why would you do that, Sachiko? You guys could've been happy together!" He says, raising his voice slightly.

"He would be killed Sasuke. He isn't a noble like either of us. They would torture him and kill him. He can never be with a princess. He is only a ninja." I say.

"That's right, but you have no idea what kind of power he has. He can protect both of you." Sasuke says as he stands up.

"Why are you even here Sasuke?" I ask as I look up at him.

"Everything was fine at my home, so your father sent me here to make sure you arrived safely." He says.

"But how did you get here before I did?" I ask, my curiosity getting the best of me.

"I can travel a lot faster without having to babysit Hattori." He says with a smile as he walks to the door.

"Where are you going?" I ask, not wanting to be alone.

"Somewhere. You'll see." He says as he exits the room.

An hour passes. all I did was sit and stare out of the one small window that is in my room. I can see cherry blossoms and sky. Cherry blossoms used to fill me with joy. but now, they just seem to depress me. I guess my life will go back to what it used to be.

Time passes by like a shooting star. It seems to slip through my fingers. It's like I'm not even in my body. I'm another being, watching my physical self. I feel numb to the cold, desolate world.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Hattori steps quickly and quietly, not wanting to be apart of the world around him. He steps almost as if he wants to float above the soil beneath him. The dread of leaving Sachiko fills him. It feels like there is a string connected between Sachiko's heart and his, and if it were to break, either by distance or by time; his heart would cease to beat and Sachiko would soon to forget of him. But even he knows that he needs to stay away.

Something about Sachiko seems to keep his demon at bay. It's such a relief to be able to let his guard down. He lets out a long frustrated sigh as he walks into the small, almost abandoned town that rests at the bottom of the mountain.

A shadow passes over him, causing him to quickly look up. Before him kneels a burly man, perched on the roof of a local house. His orange hair glimmers in the dim light of the street. It is undeniable that the man standing before Hattori is no other than Sasuke. His green clothing breathes as he does.

"Hattori, I come with an urgent message." Sasuke says, his words breathy.

"Well, Come forth with it." Hattori says, not wanting to deal Sasuke's shenanigans.

"It's about Sachiko." He speaks. "She lied to you. She isn't getting married."

"And why would she do such a thing as that?!" Anger shoots through his words. "How dare you accuse her of such a mendacity!"

"She did it because she was protecting you." Sasuke says as he jumps off the roof and into the street, making him eye level with Hattori. "She care about you, and if Shuichi found out...They would have you killed. She was protecting you from that, even though It would break her heart."

"Break her heart?" Hattori echos, his voice softening.

"She loves you, you idiot."

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