Chapter 3

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We have a new task for you.


Well, that ain't a surprise.

"What is it?" you asked bluntly.

The gods were a bit shocked to hear you speak like that, but remembered about your situation.

"You are to leave this realm and go to what many people call the outside world or what powerful foreigners call, the real world," said Technoblade.

"What am I supposed to do there?"

"We are not so sure as we have absolutely no communication with that world. However, we can do our best to get you there. It may take some time."

"Okay, but hurry. I want to make sure no creeper blows up my new house."

"We'll take care of that. We promise to look over it and keep guard. We will send Sam over," said Kristin.

"The half creeper dude?!" you shrieked.

It was so loud and high-pitched, every single being around had to cover their ears.

"Yes, him."

"Ohohohohohohoho!! You'd better make sure he doesn't blow it up otherwise I hold every single one of you idiots responsible."

"As you wish," they replied, their voices sounding deadly eerie.

However, you could care less since you knew they didn't have it in them to kill you since they knew that you wouldn't be fond of someone else wielding your powers. You were afraid that they would abuse them and the gods understood that.

"Aight. I'm out."

You woke up and started off your day. You left your temporary shelter and started mining. Once you had enough iron, gold and diamonds, you crafted them into blocks and started rebuilding your house. Since you didn't want to waste a lot of time, you used your speed ability and did a speedrun of building your new house. You gathered cobblestone since you burned the stacks you gathered while mining and smelted it into stone. You used that to cover the iron, gold and diamond to make sure no one took that stuff. Once you were finished, you took everything out of your temporary shelter and furnished your new house. You decided to leave the temporary shelter where it was and placed a couple of lanterns to indicate its location.

After everything was finished, you entered your new house and fell asleep, still exhausted.

Meanwhile, Dream called a meeting for all the gods and they discussed how to transport you to the 'real world.'

"So, how are we going to do this? Build a portal?" asked Foolish.

"Well, that's an idea, but I'm not sure if it's a good idea..."replied Bad uncertainly.

"Why?" asked Fundy.

"Well, we don't have any communications with the 'real world' so if a portal appeared, they would be alarmed," replied Sam.

"What about teleporting her there?" suggested Tommy.

" We aren't going to use our energy to do that," replied Wilbur.

Suddenly, a bright light flashed in their eyes and you were standing there.

"Y/N! What brings you here?" asked Schlatt surprised.

"I overheard you guys talking. A portal is not a good idea to make and impossible to use as a means of transportation. On the other hand, teleportation might actually work if you allow me to help you out," you replied, not really caring about the fact that you could likely die.

"I...uh...Are you sure?" asked George uncertainly.


"O-okay. Are you guys willing to allow her to do this?" asked Sapnap.

"I am," replied Skeppy.

"I am," replied Ranboo.

"I'm not," said Dream and Dream XD.

"Why not?" you asked them bluntly.

"Because it could be dangerous," they replied in unison.

"I don't care if I die. I am willing to go even if it means that I have a high possibility of getting killed on the other side."

They sighed. They looked at each other and back at you.

"I'm waiting," you said in a heavy tone.

"OKAY! We're in!!"

All the gods got together in a circle and you stood in the middle. Everyone started glowing and so did you. 

Moments later, you were in the real world. You were shocked to find yourself in a military base. You were wondering what was going on, however, multiple humans surrounded you with weapons you've never seen before aimed at your heart.


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