I'll protect you (Chapter 2)

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Delkira P.O.V

"Sir Delkira? Is that you?" ????? asked me

I need to tell someone about this right this instant. Even if it's currently 2:69 am, I have to tell someone about this, or else something possibly bad might happen in the morning.

"Opera, bring Sullivan here this instant. This is an emergency." I told Opera, one of the only servants that I can truly trust.

"I'm sorry but sir Sullivan is not here at this moment. He had an important meeting to attend  with the 13 crowns a couple of minutes earlier." Opera said with a slightly tired monotone voice.

"Dammit..." I muttered under my breath quietly but apparently not quiet enough for him to not hear.

"Is there something wrong, sir Delkira? it's obvious that you're slightly stressed and clearly worried. I'll try everything in my will to help you and make you calm down." Opera once again said with his monotone voice except this time with a hint of worry and concern.

Should I trust him? I mean he started working for me ever since he was 15 and now he's                   ( insert Opera's age ).

"Opera... come here..." I said with worry in my voice.

Opera walked closer to me only to finally spot a calmed-down offspring in my hands.

" Sir Derkila... May I ask who's child is in your hands..?"? Opera said with confusion in his voice.

" That's the problem, I found him while I was taking a walk out in the rain." I answered him
                 **•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

                **•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

I was angry. No.. Angry is an understatement, I was furious. Once I find out who left the offspring in the middle of an dangerous alley way where anyone couldve done anything to it, I will kill them. It seemed that Opera caught on to my expressions as he left only to come right back with some items. Looking back at him it seemed he has the same thoughts as me. Yet he remained calm.

"Do you know what you want to do with the offspring once it's healthy once again? " he was holding a baby bottle with kukamargha (I made it up so it ain't canon) in it. The liquid is a hard to get, royalty , rich type of milk. Demons feed it to their territory to raise the very best of he best.

He handed me the bottle of the milk as the little demon woke up. Opera and me froze. Not really knowing what to do with the baby. It looked up at the both of us and giggled as it raised it's hand in a grabby motion almost as if commanding to be given the milk.

It was love at first sight for the both of us

He was incredibly adorable with it's gorgeous big sapphire eyes, pale skin and the blue hair strands that seem to be coming in. It makes you wonder even more. Why was it left behind? That was besides the point currently. It's been a good minute or two... Or five since Opera asked the question.

Opera seemed to be snapped out of his trance or adoration to the young boy.
"Sir Delkira? " he asked a hint looking up at his masters eyes this time.

This time, Delkira answered the question.

"I'll raise it as my own, Sulvian will be worthy of being the grand-godfather". He looked up at Opera as he was feeding the offspring.

" I will" Opera randomly said

"Excuse me? " Delkira, now confused from the thing that Opera just said.

Opera once again looked up at Delkira as the two looked each other in the eyes (not a ship) "I, Opera, servant of Master Delkira and Master Sullivan, Jikyunom (another word I made up) that I will protect the offspring till death does me part. " Opera first bowed than stood still.

Delkira smirked, jikyunom isn't a regular basis spell you do. It's a promise spell. If to break the promise or fail, you were to die, basically a one sided bond. If the offspring is to be hurt, Opera would feel it   on the other hand, if Opera is to be hurt, the boy will feel nothing except a bad nauseous feeling.

His smirk turned into a kind smile, taking his hand out as purple flames danced on his palm. Opera shook it. It was a deal.

"I trust you, Opera, don't dissapoint me" he says once the ritual was preformed.

"I promise you, I won't Master Delkira"Opera finished for now as he looked at the baby. It was destiny.

" So, what will you name it, sir? "He once again asked.

Delkira thought about for a good bit, than answered.

" His name shall be Iruma. Iruma, the future demon king. "

I promised that I'd do it didn't I? Well here you go≧﹏≦ kinda mixed the beginning of the chapter 2020? -2021 and than added shit to it from 2023

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