Chapter One | Introduction

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Narrator pov.

It was a rainy cold morning in Miami Florida.

Lauren woke up to the soft sounds of the falling rain that hit her glass window. Lauren loved rainy days. It made her feel calmed and relaxed.

She pulled her covers to the side before slipping her feet into her warm white fluffy slippers. She grabbed her soft brown sweater that was lying on her night stand.

Today she was 37 weeks pregnant.

A smile came across her face when she saw how big her belly looked. Her smile soon faded when she saw a picture of her husband that had passed away a few months ago when she was only 2 weeks pregnant.

She takes the picture in her hand and looks at it with teary eyes. She loved him. She also missed him so much. She wished he was still there by her side. She wished he was there so he could meet their baby girl together.

A single tear fell down Lauren's left cheek just by remembering how happy he was when he found out about her pregnancy.

She quickly wipes her tears away not wanting to cry for the one hundredth time this week. She also knew it wasn't good for her baby girl.

She places the photo back on the nightstand before going down stairs to eat some breakfast.

She was craving pancakes.

Lauren made quick work into adding all the ingredients she needed to make her pancakes.

After making about five pancakes, she sat down in her living room couch and put on her favorite show.

By the time the show was halfway finished, Lauren was already passed out on the couch sleeping peacefully with one hand on top of her belly.


Dinah's POV.

Dinah wakes up from the sound of loud and obnoxious cries from the other room.


Normani was a two year old baby girl who loved being close to her mommy. She was the sweetest soul and Dinah loved her very much.

Dinah heads straight to Normani's room where she was greeted with a teary eyed Normani who was already on her feet, wanting to be out of the crip desperately.

"Good morning baby" Dinah cooes before opening the the crib and taking Normani in her arms.

"There, there baby, no more tears" she says trying to calm Normani down "mama is here, shhh"

After about five minutes of Normani's loud cries, Dinah was able to calm her down.

"How about we go downstairs for some breakfast hmm? She says giving normani a sweet gentle kiss on her forehead.

"Baba" Normani manages to say

"Alright baby but I need you to try and eat some food too, okay?"

Normani doesn't respond because she was too busy playing with Dinah's Golden locks.

When they finally reached down the stairs, Dinah decided on making some oatmeal. She had cut some apples and oranges for her and normani as well.

After Normani ate about three slices of apples and one slice of orange, Dinah made quick work into making her a warm bottle.

"Alright baby girl, drink up" Dinah says handing over to bottle to Normani which she takes without hesitation.

While Normani was drinking her bottle, Dinah decided to do a load of laundry.

When she was done, she went back to be greeted with a sleeping Normani, curled up with her bottle on her right hand.

Dinah stared in 'aww' she looked so precious sleeping in that position. After staring at her for about three minutes, she gently picks Normani up and places her into the couch. She grabs Normani's Cinderella blue blanket and tucks her in gently.

"Sweet dreams angel" Dinah says before giving her a soft kiss on her cheek.


Lauren was awoken by the sound of her phone ringing. She checks to see who it is before answering


"Hi Lauren, how are you"

"I-I'm good mom, how are you" Lauren says with a yawn

"I'm good sweetheart, I'm just on my way to pick up your sister from school." Clara tells her daughter.

"Oh that's nice mom" Lauren says struggling to get up from the couch.

"Are you okay dear?" Clara asks

"Yes mom just having a bit of trouble getting up from my couch." She chuckles nervously

"Oh okay, do you think your able to get up?

"Uh yeah mom I'm okay" Lauren says finally being able to get herself up.

"Alright dear I just wanted to check up on you and the baby"

"Thanks mom, I appreciate that" she says rubbing her belly in circles. "The baby is doing fine mom, although she hasn't kicked in awhile which is making me feel abit worried"

"Don't worry babe she's probably just being lazy like her momma" Clara says sarcastically.

"Oh come on mom! I'm pregnant for crying out loud" Lauren says "I can barely get up to use the bathroom because of my huge stomach"

"I'm just messing with you Lauren! Of course I know how it feels to be pregnant"

"Yeah whatever. Look mom, I'll call you later today I'm gonna go and take a shower and probably pay Dinah a visit after"

"Sounds good to me Lauren. Talk to you soon"

"Bye mom, love you"

"Love you too"

Lauren finally hangs up the phone and makes her way up the stairs. When she reaches the last step she feels a light kick coming from her lower abdomen.

Lauren let's out a small gasp. She hasn't felt that in while.

"There you are baby, mama missed you" she says in a soft voice, while rubbing her belly soothingly.


"Sounds good to me Lo," Dinah says between the phone line. "Mani and I are exited to see you and the baby"

"Me too Dinah, it's been awhile."

"Yeah it has been" Dinah says pulling out a diaper for Normani. "So, how's the baby doing by the way?"

"She's doing fine. She kicked once this morning after a long time of not doing so"

"Aww, that's so cute" Dinah says taping Normani's diaper "Do you know what you're gonna name her yet?"

"No, but i was thinking Mia, but I don't think that one really clicks for me."

"Yeah same, it's to...short?"


"You'll think of something, just be patient"

"Yeah well, I'll see you guys in abit"

"Sure thing Lo, drive safe"



So this is the first chapter! I'm excited to write more about this book.

Anyways next chapter will be out pretty soon🌷🌷🌷🌷

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