Chapter eighteen | Hospital.

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Lauren POV.

I drove as fast as I could when I heard the news about Camila.

I was so worried about her. I didn't know how hurt she was but I'm hoping it isn't too severe.

I got to a stoplight when my phone suddenly rang. I look at the caller ID before picking it up to answer.

"Ally?" I said tapping my fingers nervously on the steering wheel. "Oh thank god Lauren!" She said with a breath of relief. "I was calling you, why didn't you answer" she asked.

"I can't drive and talk at the same time Ally" I said driving away once the light turned green. "Ally, how is my baby? Any news yet?" I asked hopefully.

"No Lauren, not yet" she sighed "But I'm sure once you get here they'll tell us." She said with a sniffle.

"Ally what happend?" I asked her again. I had so many questions for Ally. So many.

"I'll explain when you get here, okay?" She said making me sigh "See you then" I said before hanging up.

I don't know if I should be mad with Ally or not, but I think im starting to feel anger towards her. Well I mean, was it her fault that my baby is in the hospital right now? Maybe, maybe not.

Maybe it's mine...


I parked my car over by the hospitals parking garage since the parking lots outside were full. I turned off the engine before stepping out of my car to lock it and then walk over by the hospitals elevator.

The elevator took me down to where the hospital entrance was. Once I realized where I was, I made my way inside the building, looking around to se if Ally was nearby. When I don't see her,I walk over by the reception area where a friendly elderly nurse attended me. "Hello, how may I help you?"

"Hi my name is Lauren Jauregui and my five year old daughter has been-

"Yes dear I have you right here" she said cutting me off while looking at the computer screen "Your friend Allyson Hernández already gave me the information about you and your daughter" The kind lady said making me nod "Dr. Morison well be right with you" she said typing something on the computer. "Thank you Ma'am" I said making her nod. I walk away from the receptionist before taking a seat over where the guest room was.

"Lauren" a voice said from behind me. "Ally?" I said looking up from the ground. "Hey, how are you?"

"I don't know, worried, anxious, overwhelmed?" I said sighing deeply. I push my hair back with my fingers in frustration. "What happend?" I asked Ally who had a sad look on her face. "One of her classmates, Caleb Collins pushed her from the top of the playground" she said making give her a hard glare.

"Where were you when that happened Ally?" I questioned, desperate for an answer. "I was with the other children Lauren. I can't keep my eye on only one child" she said making me scoff.

"Lauren I'm terribly sorry about this" she placed her hand on my knee for comfort before I began to speak

"Why didn't you tell me about Caleb?" I said as tears started to form in my eyes. "He's been bullying her all this time and you didn't tell me?" A tear left my eye. "All this time she's been scared going to school because of Caleb, and here you are telling me this until now when you could've told years ago!" I hissed at her with rage. "How many times have I told you to inform me about what happends to her when I'm not around, how. many.times, Ally?"

"Lauren it didn't happen until today" she began to speak.  "Caleb hasn't really bothered Mila or the other students. I don't know what made him bother her today" she sighed, upset about everything that was happening. "That is still no excuse for you to hide this from me. And I just know, that you wouldn't have told me if this didn't happen anyways"

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