Chapter five | Kindergarten.

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Ally's POV.

"Alright class! It's time to pick up all our things before we go out for lunch" she tells her kindergarteners. "Please put the toys, paints, markers and other things were y'all found them please"

Not having to repeat herself, the children stop what they were doing and hurried to pick up all of the toys they were using to play with. Her  students were very well behaved most of the time.

Well, some of them.

"Ms. Ally? I can't remember where the wooden blocks go" one of my students tell me.

"Maya, they go over there we're the the puzzles go, remember?" I say pointing to where the puzzle box was.

"Oh yeah! Thanks Ms. Ally" she says running over to put the wooden blocks away.

The bell finally rings making all the kids scream and hurry over to where their lunch boxes where.

"Alright, is everyone ready to go eat?" I ask my five year old students.

"Yes!" They all say in unison.

"Okay then let's go" I say opening the door for them to go out "remember guys to follow the leader" I tell them.

They all follow me without any trouble at all.

Today I decided to take them outside to eat instead of inside the classroom. It was a beautiful day for some fresh air.

After I made sure all the little ones ate their lunch, I told them to pick up any trash they had and to throw it away before we went back inside.

They did as they were told and then hurried to get in line like they always did before we went inside the building.

Once we were all inside together, I told them to take a seat so I could take the attendance to make sure everyone was here.

"Ok now, when I call your name I need you to say 'Here ms. Ally'  okay?"  I say looking around for approval.

When they all nodded I begin calling out the names one by one. When all of them seemed to be here, I closed my attendance book and faced my students.

"Okay guys thank you for participating with the attendance. Now I think it's time for a nap!" I say enthusiastically.

They all groaned. They didn't like taking naps and I don't understand why. I would be so happy if I were them.

"Ah, ah, ah. Naps are good for little ones like you" I say to them. "Now hurry over and grab your sleeping bags and pillows please.

"Auntie Ally I'm not tired though" I hear my little niece whine.

"Camila sweetheart" I say crouching down to her level "you need to take a nap so you can have lots of energy when mama comes back to get you, okay"

"No! I want to play outside." She says, furrowing her eyebrows and a pout already forming on her face. "I'm not tired auntie Ally"

"Mila, I need you to be a good girl and listen to me when I tell you to do something, am I clear" I say raising an eyebrow.

"Okay" she murmured softly, going over to get her sleeping bag before placing it to the ground.

Camila was very shy. She didn't talk that much when it came to being with people who she didn't really know. She also didn't have many friends or let's just say she really didn't have friends. Her peers would play with her now and then but most of the time they wouldn't play with her at all. She was the smallest one in the class and sometimes the boys and girls would pick on her because of her size.

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