Chapter three | Finally here.

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This picture is sooo cute 🥺


Lauren woke up feeling really tired as usual. She didn't want to get up from bed but she had too.

Today was March third and that meant that tomorrow was her due date for her baby to come out.

The doctor wanted her to come in a day before just to make sure and to be ready of course.

She had called her mom over to help her pack a few things she was going to take to the hospital with her.

Lauren was so excited.

"Lauren! I'm here!" She head Clara call from down the stairs.

"Ok mom! I'm upstairs!"

"Hello sweetheart, I see you have almost everything ready" Clara says giving her a quick embrace.

"Yeah but not yet." She says before grabbing a pair of pink socks that had a tiny pink bow where the ankle part of the sock was.

"What more do you need so I can help you?"

"Umm, oh! diapers mom!" Lauren says heading over to the closet.

"Anything else that I can help with Lauren"

"Let me see, socks, pants, blanket, hat, binky..." she says counting with her fingers.

"I think that will do just fine Lauren" Clara interrupts.  "It doesn't have to be perfect "

"What do you mean it doesn't have to be perfect mom?" Lauren says turning to face her mom. "this has to be perfect for her"

"But not really, Lauren the baby doesn't need to many things"

"I barely packed anything mom!"

"Okay Lauren calm down. You won't be staying at the hospital for more than a day"

"You don't know that yet and I want this to be special for her" Lauren tells her.

"I know you do, but that doesn't mean you have to put over one hundred items in that diaper bag for goodness sake!"

"Mom there are not one hundred items in there!"

"You know what I mean Lauren"

"Look I can do this myself, after all this is for my baby not yours."

"Lauren honey-

"Mom, i said I can do it" Lauren insisted

"Well if you change you mind, just let me know" Clara said giving up with Lauren's stubbornness "I'll be down stairs if you need me".

"Thanks mom" Lauren sighs. "And I'm sorry for acting that way with you"

"It's okay sweetheart, I get it" Clara says giving her a reassuring smile.

Lauren then manages to get everything packed up without needing her moms help.

She then goes over to take a quick shower before her trip to the hospital. Her mom had offered to help her but Lauren was sure she could manage on her own.

When she tried reaching for her shampoo, she felt a sharp pain hit lower abdomen causing her to cry out in pain and then another one hit her and then another.

"Ahhh" she cries aloud in pain "owww!"

She turns off the shower head and takes a moment to figure out what's going on.

Then she feels something wet falling down her thighs. Then she sees blood.

Her water broke.

"Ahhh! Mom! Ahhh!" She cries in pain and fear.

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